Ram's Step

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Khush back to office apartment with smiling face, & he look Suhani seating in live area with pouted face, he walks to her & says- what happened to you..

Suhani says with sad face- I knew it you forget about my work..

Khush ask to Suhani with confusion- what work..

Suhani- wah, so mean you are..

Khush innocently says- ok, now tell me the problem..

Suhani- such a mean person, you forget about my laptop..

Khush- so sorry, I totally forget about your laptop..

Suhani- I knew it..

Khush- where is your laptop, I promise, I do it now..

Suhani give him her laptop & says- only five minutes you have..

Khush smile & open her laptop, & last work he found, she close her laptop on search page, he refresh the page, & start to wait, what actually happened with her laptop, & he wait for the reload, Suhani ask her..

Suhani- how was your meeting with Peehu..

Khush- nice, infact I give one suggestion to her, that mom write a diary for her..

Suhani says in between- you said that to her directly..

Khush- no baba, I said to her through my vision, most important part is, she used to call mom as a mom in front everyone, but in front of mom, she used to call mom as a Mrs. Priya..

Suhani- don't you think she is a drama queen..

Khush smile & says- yeah, that's true..

Peehu reached to home, she open the door through key & found Priya taking a nap on couch, her laptop on her lap, she entered in the house & she remembered Khush's words, she take careful steps towards Priya, & lightly bend herself from behind Priya to look, what Priya up to in laptop, & same time Priya's sleep disturb by the Peehu's hot breath, who are touching on her cheek, & she waking up from her nap, she look Peehu besides her, & she quickly bend the screen down of laptop..

Priya- what happened!

Peehu quickly change the topic & says- actually you taking nap with laptop screen on, so I thought to off the laptop..

Priya- ok, & Priya keep her laptop side..

Peehu- had you dinner..

Priya surprise by Peehu's question & she says- no, actually I'm waiting for you..

Peehu- Mrs. Priya last time I'm telling you, don't wait for me, at least on dinner time..

On next moment Priya's surprise gesture vanish by Mrs. Priya, she says- it's my habit, now choice is yours, dinner with me or with your friends, if you had a dinner with your friends, then I'll eat dinner alone, if you not, then we can have together..

Peehu- for some more days you be here then you will fly, & again I'll be alone, then why you doing everything, it's good that, we can continue our life like we did it past 12 years..

Priya- I promise, you want gonna be alone here after, I do anything to be with you..

Peehu- so you gonna take me with you, & keep me away from Papa, right..

Priya- ok, just change the topic, because it's gonna end with big argument, tell me, you done your dinner..

Peehu- no, I'm starving..

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