Small Step

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Ram called Vikram urgently in his cabin..

Vikram entered in, & Ram says- locked the cabin door..

Vikram lock the door behind him, & walks towards the chair- what happened..

Ram- first you promise me, you won't share these with Neha..

Vikram says with casual tone- ok..

Ram- sure..

Vikram- Haan, our friendship promise..

Ram- that's like it, & he explained him everything..

After Ram over, Vikram didn't react, he actual not believe, he stay numb for some minutes, Ram observing Vikram, who could not react at all, he touch on Vikram's hand, Vikram coming out from his numb state, Ram ask him- what, say something..

Vikram- what ever you just explained me, is it true..

Ram- yeah, & look I need your help in this matter, because Priya won't tell me what happened that time, nor Natasha say a word..

Vikram- what exactly happened that time..

Ram- that we don't know, we have no idea, we have to find out, I know it's clueless but something is missing that we are ignoring or they won't remember, that thing we have to find it out, right..

Vikram- yeah, but exactly what we have to find it out..

Ram- look we figured it out that six months, from where mine & Priya's relationship take a drastic change..

Vikram- ok, you start your work, I start my..

Ram- find out Rajat Kapur, because he is the one, who was a key, of mine & Priya's divorced reason..

Vikram- well it's not easy to find him out, because we actually don't know, from where he come..

Ram- Neha will help us out, because after divorced, Neha take over the star news, right..

Vikram nodding in yes- yeah..

Ram- star news channel was the one, who telecast that news, about Priya's affair with Rajat..

Vikram- yes, & may be Neha have that Rajat Kapur's old address or something..

Ram- but how you will get that..

Vikram- through history room..

Ram says with confusion- history room..

Vikram- whatever news telecast on channel, that's gonna save in history room for long period, & only Neha used to go in  that room, only she have a access to go in the room..

Ram- but we can't take Neha in our plan, right..

Vikram- yes, but you don't worry, I do something, after all she is my wife, & I know how to collect something, what I want..

Ram- ok, all the best, give me update so soon..

Khush & Suhani wait for bus, & Suhani says to Khush with irks tone- you lied with your mom Khush..

Khush- I agree, that lied with mom, but I had no other option, because I wanted to be first friend of Peehu, then wanted to reveal my real relationship with her, like you told me everything about her friends circle, & her all bad habits, that makes me little worried, first I wanted to make her understand, what is good & what is bad, she hates mom, because of me, Suhani it's too complicated, I could not make you understand, how I feel, when mom said, you gonna meet Peehu, since 12 years I never share mom with anyone, it's selfish, but it's too hard to meet her real daughter, that's not mean I hate Peehu, infact I love Peehu, like overprotective brother, but it's not easy, I need some time, & in that time, I want to know Peehu, what she thought about me & mom, within short period I want to become her small part of her life, when we actual meet each other as a brother sister, that time she won't regret me as her brother..

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