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Door bell rings, Priya open the door & found the same suspension women on door..

Priya ask her with stern tone- yes..

"Wanna meet Peehu"..

Priya ask her with same tone- Ram..

"He is coming, go to park the car"..

Priya still stay on door- ok..

"Let me come in"..

Priya smile & says with politely- sorry I don't know anything about you, & I totally agree Peehu & Ram knows you, but I'm not..

"It's all fine, I'm waiting for Ram then"..

Priya- good..

At the same time Ram coming out from the elevator, & look to women & ask- why are you still on door, & Ram look to Priya..

Priya says with sarcastic tone- I know about you only, & she is totally stranger to me..

Ram give irks look to Priya & look to lady & says- she is Isha, Isha Joshi, my to be fiancee..

Priya twisting her lips & says- wow, congratulations, finally you moving on, & she side away from door step..

Ram & Isha enter in the house, Priya close her eyes with heavy heart, & turn to them with fake smile..

Ram ask to Priya- where is Peehu..

Priya shows him Peehu's room & says- there..

Ram & Isha walks in Peehu's room..

Priya quickly walks towards her room & dialled Khush's number, she close her room door..

Khush pick the call & ask- mom are you ok..

Priya's long pause give him something bad intention..

Khush ask to Priya with upset tone- mom what happened, tell me, & Suhani look Khush's upset face, she ask him through gesture, & he signed her, wait a minute..

Tears rolled down from her eyes & says with heavy tone- he come here, & her voice gets choked..

Khush ask her with assuring tone- Ram Papa..

Due to voice choked, Priya could not able to talk- hmm..

Khush- mom listen to me, please..

Priya not say a word, she only nodding in yes..

Khush says with clam tone- please have some water, please..

Priya gulping her throat & look to water glass, which is near by her bed, she gulped the water & says- hmm..

Khush- good, look we don't know anything about their current life, right mom..

Priya- hmm..

Khush- and 12 years ago you both had a divorce..

Priya says with stammering tone- yeah, that was a, that was my decision..

Khush- mom, please clam down your self first, it's not good for your health..

Priya close her eyes, fresh tears rolled down..

Khush- ok, listen to me, meet me now..

Priya- no, Peehu is injured..

Khush- ok, tell me one thing..

Priya- hmm..

Khush- for Peehu, you come India, right..

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