Going Forward

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Next morning, Peehu wakes up from her sleep with headache, she look near by the table, a glass of lemon juice, unwilling she pick the glass & sip it..

Priya enter in her room with knocked, Peehu look her, Priya ask her- you ok..

Peehu not a say word & show the glass of lemon juice to her..

Priya shook her head in disbelief & ask her- which brand you prefer..

Peehu give her confused look..

Priya read her confused look & says- that I can suggest you best one..

Peehu make her face irks- Tch! Now I get it, why you not start your lecture last night..

Priya- no you getting me wrong, have you tried vodka with whiskey, what a combination I tell you, just mind blowing..

Peehu look her & says- are you pulling my leg..

Priya lightly laugh & says- no, not at all, why would I pulled your leg, I'm only suggesting you best combination, by the way, Ram knows na you start to having alcohol..

Peehu give a blank look to Priya..

Priya says- ohh, don't worry, I keep it as your secret..

Peehu- better..

Priya- only you consume alcohol or other things also you consume, like drugs & all..

Peehu- what do you thing about me, am I addict for toxic substances..

Priya twisting her lips & says- just want to know, how much my daughter goes on wrong path..

Peehu start to stare her..

Priya cross her arms & says with stern tone- handover your all credit cards, debit cards to me, right now, otherwise I spill the truth infront of Ram at any cost..

Peehu- are you threating me..

Priya smirked & says- no, I'm warning you..

Peehu gritss her teeths & says- you have a proof, that I consume alcohol last night..

Priya smile & says- I'm your mother, & you are my daughter, & I know how to prove, that you had alcohol last night, check your arm darling..

Peehu look her arm, a small bandage stick on it, like someone take blood from her arm..

Priya- test reports are on the way, so give me your all cards right now, & she forward her hand towards Peehu..

Peehu start to look Priya with peak of anger..

Priya stay strong while Peehu give layer of anger look to her, in mind- sorry princess but I have to do it, I know you will hate me more here after, but I'm doing everything for your health, that's it, I know Ram so well, in my absence he gives you everything, & cards are one  from them, he spoil you in my absence, but I will get back my daughter again, who values everything..

Peehu getting up from the bed & hand over all cards to Priya & says- you are worst mother..

Priya smile & says- thanks..

Peehu start to walks towards the washroom, & Priya again call her- Peehu..

Peehu turn to her with furious face..

Priya says- here after no food tiffin will come from Kapoor mansion, & you are the one who gonna stop it..

Peehu- no you can't do that..

Priya again smirked & says- I can darling..

Peehu stamps her foot on ground & enter in washroom with the sound of door..

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