Meeting Him/Her

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Priya gets ready in saree, & coming out from her room, she look Khush is ready to go somewhere, she look dinning table, which is decorated with food, she bit confused with smile..

Khush- good morning mom..

Priya look to dinning table once & says- it's surprise morning to me..

Khush- thank you..

Priya- but tell me one thing, where are you going..

Khush- well, going for new adventures..

Priya sip her tea & says- ok, when will you back..

Khush- evening!

Priya- ok, but please don't lost somewhere in Mumbai..

Khush- mom, I'm grown-up now..

Priya smile naughtily & says- yeah, that's why you lost yourself in mall, when you were 15..

Khush smile with embarrassing & says- that day, I was behind that remote control car..

Priya ask him with curious tone- oh really! I thought all the time, you were behind your crush..

Khush bit embarrass by her answer, he bit blush too & says- mom please..

Priya smile & says- ok, have you done your breakfast..

Khush- yes, should I drop you somewhere..

Priya- no, I'll go myself..

Khush- ok, so should I go..

Priya- ok..

Ram reached to his office, & asking about his day schedule through his personal assistant..

Ram- make sure, no new appointment's for today atleast..

His personal assistant agree & leave the cabin..

Priya reached to Kapoor industry, she look up to the building of Kapoor industry, & enter in & she asking for Ram first..

Receptionist- mam, do you have appointment..

Priya think for while & says- will I meet Vikram first..

Receptionist- wait a minute mam..

Priya give only smile & she wait for receptionist..

Receptionist ask to Priya- mam your name..

Priya- Priya Sharma..

Receptionist told to Vikram & on next moment he ordered to receptionist, send Priya to his cabin immediately..

Priya walks towards Vikram's cabin..

On the same time Natasha look Priya from her cabin, who were busy with her meeting, she wants to pause her meeting but she continue it as per companies policy..

Priya reached to Vikram's cabin, & she read the board name, Vikram Shergill, CEO, she smiles & knock on the door..

Without passing single moment, he welcome in Priya, she enter in cabin with smiles, & take a seat infront of his chair, he take a seat, & ask..

Vikram- want you something..

Priya smirked & says- nothing, I'm fine..

Vikram- ok..

Priya- Mr. Kapoor change his number, change his office address, & Kapoor mansion too, why..

Vikram- nothing, is just that, & he start to find the words..

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