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Ram pick Priya in his arms & take her in room, they call doctor first, Peehu sprinkle some water on Priya's face but Priya fully lost her sense..

Khush's thoughts disturb by the child & he looks to him with his mother, he smiled, & look to his cell, he pick the cell in his hand & unlocked it..

He found a numerous missed calls from Suhani & he checks the message notification, he found Priya's blank message on his cell, he shock after look her message, he quickly getting up from his seat & start to run out from the airport with his bag..

Door bell rings, Peehu open the door & doctor entered in, doctor check to Priya..

After doctor done his check up he says- her BP is out of control, we have to move her towards the hospital, otherwise she lost her life..

Ram look back to Vikram & Vikram says- I call the ambulance right now..

Main door gets open again & Khush enter in with tensed face, Vikram on a call he look Khush, Khush entered in the room where Priya lying on bed lifelessly..

Ram, Peehu, Neha, & Nyssa confused by his presence, Khush let down his jacket first & dialled someone's number..

He open the drawer, & start to to check something in box, from other side person pick the call, & keep cell on speaker..

Khush- hey doctor Steve, I'm Khush Malhotra, Priya Sharma's son..

"Yes Khush"..

Khush look Priya once & says to doctor- mom miss her six days medicine, & her BP is shoot..

"Please check the BP her first"..

Everyone only looking at him, for everyone he is a different name person, but now they are looking a responsible son in him..

Khush held the BP machine from the cupboard, & start to check Priya's BP..

"If her BP is out of control then injected her, & take a help of doctor to injected her"..

Khush done with BP machine & says- it's out of control..

"Then please call the doctor first"..

Khush look to Peehu & says- call the doctor urgent, & he getting up from the bed edge, walks in kitchen, he open the fridge door, he pull out the one ice bag with injection liquid, & again he entered in room..

Khush look Priya with the teary eyed- mom..

Priya only lying lifelessly..

Khush look to family members & ask with gritss his teeth- where is the doctor damn..

"Khush clam down yourself, don't get panic, within hour just inject her, within five to six hours she is back to normal, but that injection is important"..

Vikram- doctor is here..

Khush- doctor Steve, doctor is here, just a minute, & he gives his cell to doctor..

Ram only observing Khush, he feel like, his wish come true, he totally forget about Priya's condition, he only looking to Khush..

Doctor listen every instructions of doctor Steve, & he injected to Priya, Khush seat in front of Priya, he holding her hand in his, & in between he blame himself for his deeds, Suhani make him understand but he not listened her..

Peehu take a seat near Priya head, & start to neatly observe Khush with brim eyes..

Khush wipe his tears & nose, he again dialled his number & says- hello Rajat uncle..

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