Trying To Know..

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Peehu & Khush walk by the path with awkwardness, Khush hit his foot on small stone, & keep his both hands in his pocket..

Peehu look him once & says- L-U-V Khush..

Khush smile & says- shut up..

Peehu stop & Khush looks that & he too stop, he up his eyebrows- what..

Without any hesitation Peehu catch Khush's both cheek's & hold them in her fist & says with small kid tone- you are so sweet, I wanted to do that, since we met..

Khush hold Peehu's both hands & says- aahh, Peehu, don't..

Peehu entwined her both hands fingers with each other & says- I love you man, you are world's best son..

Khush- shuu! It's midnight, otherwise police will arrest us..

Peehu- how mean, I'm trying my best to be free with you, but you are so boring..

Khush- but it's my nature..

Peehu- then why mom said me that you are too excited like me..

Khush- yes I'm excited..

Peehu- why can't I feel that then..

Khush- I need some time then..

Peehu- then say it na baba..

Khush go to open his mouth & his cell rings, with name of Suhani & he pick the call with mimes sorry- yeah Suhani, you reached..

Suhani- yes..

Khush- Suhani..

Suhani- yes..

Khush- send me the address, for security, please..

Suhani- Khush I'm upset on you..

Khush- I know, that's why I'm saying you..

Suhani- you not gonna..

Khush cut her mid- please Suhani..

Suhani- ok, bye..

Khush- bye, take care, & they cut the call..

Peehu look to Khush with intense, he look her & ask- what..

Peehu- girlfriend..

Khush- no, she is my friend..

Peehu- ohh, I understand..

Khush- what you understand..

Peehu- I'll tell you these later..

Khush-Peehu not done man..

Peehu start walking, & Khush to join her in walking..

In house..

Priya walks to Ram, with fear..

Priya- Ram..

Ram- I said no Priya, not now..

Priya- Ram please, listen to me once..

Ram- what I listen to you, you saved them, why Priya, you spoiled our life, our family, it's not fair..

Priya- if I didn't do that, your reputation has spoil..

Ram- Priya, I understand your everything, but Tch, you spoiled man, I understand you did for everyone's life, but they live their life free, only because of you, their sin you take on your head, that's unfair, I know you love me, but you did a mistake Priya, I need time, I need my own time, from everything, please..

Priya hold Ram's arm & says- Ram please..

Ram hold Priya's hand, & he pulled his hand from her grip & says- Priya it's not easy for me to forget, for 12 years I hate you for no reason, you know so well how much I love you, but hate you for no reason, that makes me so disturb, I feel disgusted on my own self, you did it for me, & for no reason I was hate you, they both looking my everyday struggle, with daily to daily life, with Peehu's matter, with every single day they both had looking, juts looking, but didn't open their bloody mouth, only because of you..

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