Khush's Decision..

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Priya come in live area with Khush, he look everyone having a upset face, Priya forward one chair to him & says- seat..

Khush- mom..

Priya- Khush please..

Khush take a seat & look everyone's face once again, Ram look that, & he says- just clam yourself first..

Khush- yes..

Priya- you ok..

Khush- yes mom..

Priya too take a seat, & says- look at me, & whatever I'm saying to you, just listen it carefully..

Khush shook his head in yes..

Priya look to Ram once & turn to Khush- last night whatever happened, on that,what is your view..

Khush- mom, for me that matter is already closed, I didn't say these to you before..

Priya- but Khush for us, that matter is not close yet..

Khush try to say in mid- but mom..

Priya cut him mid & says- Khush let me complete first..

Khush- ok..

Priya- the truth is out right now, & from that truth, everyone's trust break, their relationship, love, that cosy moment's are vanished, due to truth, & everyone wants, in that don't count me, they want, both have to be punished, we can't go through legal, but everyone wants your decision against them both..

Khush look to Neha & Natasha once & says- but mom, you know, I can't take drastic step towards anyone, it's not my nature..

Priya- I know baccha, but it's not easy, if you won't take any decision about them, then so many more relation will destroy, you have to do something..

Khush sigh & says- mom it's not easy..

Priya- look it's not easy, but your grandma was died because of them, they left her for die on road, just think about her once & make your decision..

Khush think for moment & turn his face to Neha & Natasha- I have two questions, I want true answer, so please cooperate..

Neha & Natasha shook their head in yes only..

Khush- first question, who once driving the car that night, second question, who spread the fake news about mom, that she having a affair..

Natasha- I did drive the car, that night, that was my mistake, Neha said to me, call for ambulance, but I was too scared, & I make her seat in car, & left on very next moment..

Khush listen it with heavy heart..

Neha- I spread that fake news, I telecast that news on channel, to spoiled Ram & Priya's relationship, & that time I wanted a promotion of head news reader, that would be a chance of being news channel head..

Khush look to Priya & says- I don't know, what do I say..

Priya only rubbed his back, because his voice clearly tell her, he feel bad..

Khush take sip of water & clear his throat, he says- here after Nyssa will gonna stay with us, if she wants to meet Kartik sir, she can, if she wants to meet Natasha mam, she can, but when she wants to comes to you, she will, nobody gonna force her for that, not personally & legally too, if you do that, I have that proof's still, & I do anything to reopen the case, & I make sure, you both gonna punished for your deeds, & Neha mam, here after you won't runs the star news, you will handover your all rights to Suhani, & you will make the announcement, & about your personal relationship, I'm sorry but that's not in my hands, but still Vikram uncle & Kartik uncle, I suggest you forgive them, through punishment, my grandma won't back to me, sometimes forgiveness is a big punishment..

Ram- Khush please..

Khush- no Papa, it's not easy to stay alone, without family members, that thing makes person dead alive, I saw mom, so many times, she didn't know anything, but I seen her crying alone, when day turns night, in that darkness, she cried alone for everyone, that thing is not good at all..

Priya- Khush, you taking decision through emotionally..

Khush- not at all mom, I'm taking these decisions practically, whenever they both look me, they remembered their deeds, that their big punishment..

Vikram- I need time, to think, & Khush don't forget I'm there for you, meet me from tomorrow in the office..

Khush- yeah, sure uncle..

Kartik- Di I'm too take a leave, it's a big decision, but I'm firm on my decision, I'm not gonna be with Natasha anymore, & please don't try to change my decision, very soon she got the notice, & whatever she wants, she get it..

Natasha- Kartik..

Kartik look to Natasha & say- bye Di..

After Kartik & Vikram goes, Ram open his mouth & says- Natasha you will get your share from Kapoor business, even Kapoor mansion will all yours, I'll hand over the papers to you very soon..

Natasha- Bhai..

Ram cut her mid & says- you lose that right on me..

Neha- thanks Khush, thanks Priya, no it's not that I'm saying with harsh, I'm guilty, whatever I did, Khush you have big heart like your mom, actually I deserve these before so many years ago, I accept everything, & try my best to gain my family trust again..

Natasha get up from her seat & go near Khush, & join her palms & says- please take care of my daughter, & I'm sorry what I did, that was in my hand, but I was too scared, & that's happened, please try to forgive me..

Khush- about Nyssa, you don't worry, for me she is one of from my family member, & like I take of my family, same thing I did with her, but please you don't do another mistake, try to meet Nyssa everyday, that she can try to understand you, & forgive you..

Natasha- thanks..

After everyone left the house, Ram stared Khush with layer of anger, Priya looks that & stay stood beside Khush..

Ram- you did wrong Khush, & I'm really very much upset on you, you had a chance to punished them, but what you did, you just leave them free..

Priya- Ram..

Ram- no, Priya it's unfair, & it's totally unfair..

Khush look to Priya & stop her- mom, let me, please..

Priya shook her head in yes & Khush says- Papa they are already dead in their love once eyes & that is a big punishment, in case in future, they decides to be each other, but they can't accept their deeds, that's their big loss..

Ram- but Khush, she was your grandma, she died because of them..

Khush- if she won't died, then how I get my family, you, mom, Peehu, Nyssa, you guys are my family, & I want to be with you, that's it, & please this topic is over here, please Papa..

Ram close his eyes in disappointed, & he walks in his room..

Khush- mom please, you make him understand at least..

Priya- I'm too little disappointed with your decision..

Khush- we talk later, ok..

Priya- hmm..

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