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They reached to Mumbai, Priya look Ram stood near to apartment entrance, she look once Peehu, who sleeps peacefully, without disturbing her sleep, she got down from the car, & walks towards the Ram..

Ram look Priya who walks towards him, & he keep his cell in his pocket, & start to look Priya with irks face..

Priya stood infront of him with crossing her arms..

Ram- want to meet Peehu, as per my condition..

Priya cut him mid with looking down her wrist watch- new day started, as per your condition, you gonna meet Peehu everyday for hour, as per rule, you gonna meet her now, it means..

Ram cut her mid & says with furious tone- I know what are you trying to say..

Priya- ok, that's good, go & meet her..

Ram- why she is not getting down from the car..

Priya- she is in deep sleep, & stay here, I wake her up, & Priya walks again towards the car..

Ram look Priya give order to driver, that take Peehu's bag up towards the flat..

Priya open the door from other side, & she touch Peehu's hand lightly- Peehu..

Peehu is in deep slumber, she not even react by the Priya's one touch..

Priya again touch Peehu's arm, & says- princess! Wake up baby, we reached, & she start to rubbed her arm very carefully..

Peehu waking up from her deep slumber & start to look Priya with irks face, before Priya say anything, Ram comes there & Peehu look him, she quickly get down from the car, & hugged Ram, Ram hugged her back..

Peehu- dad please take me away with you, take me away from her, I won't be able take a breath, please dad..

Ram rubbed Peehu's back with care & try to clam her down, & he says- relax rockstar, clam down, & he cupped Peehu's face in his palms, he look to Priya once, who looking at him & Peehu, Priya won't say a word & walks little far from both..

Ram looks & he continues- look, I know, you hate her so much baby, but, I can't do anything right now, but I promise you, as soon as possible I'll take you away from her, but not now, if I go against her, she will go in the court, & rest you know, what will happen next..

Peeh with helpless face- tch Papa, but..

Ram again cut her mid- look I need some time to know, what she upto here again in our life, & for that you have to be with her at any cost, other wise she will create new drama, & I lose you forever..

Peehu- Papa it's not easy for me..

Ram- I know, it's not easy for you, even it's not easy for me too, but we have to get over of it, right!

Peehu shook her head in yes with teary eyed..

Ram give a deep kiss on Peehu's forehead & says- you are my strength, so don't cry like these, I'll touch with you always, & he give one card to her..

Peehu look new credit card- new card, I don't want it, I have already two..

Ram- just keep it, & use it, whenever you want, it's unlimited, & remember one thing, I'm always one call away from you, ok..

Peehu- ok..

Ram- have you something while in journey..

Peehu- yeah, she brought some food for me, so I had..

Ram- ok, but here after, tiffin box will be arriving from Kapoor mansion, you will not gonna eat her handmade food..

Peehu- ok dad, I wanna one permission from you..

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