Good News..

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Priya & Khush reached to LA, & they look Rajat comes to receive them, he look Khush's upset face, he greet Priya & Khush, Priya greet Rajat back, but he didn't get any answer from Khush, & he look to Priya, & she show her balloon cheek's to him, & he understand that Khush is upset on him & Priya, Khush look the car & walks to the car with pouted face, & take seat without say a word..

Rajat- exactly what happened..

Priya- well he is upset on me & you the most, because he wanted to spend his all time with Ram, Peehu & Nyssa..

Rajat- well congratulations, finally you got your family back..

Priya- thank you, but how will I make Khush understand, he is too much upset on me..

Rajat- should I suggest you..

Priya- please..

Rajat- why don't you call them here, & you can live your next life here..

Priya- well I can, but what about Suhani..

Rajat- now who is she..

Priya- well I must tell you, Khush is getting adult now, & he is unfortunately in love..

Rajat little excited after listening that Khush is in love- woah! It's a fantastic news..

Priya shook her head in yes with smile & says- well yes, & she can't be here, because a day ago she got promotion, she become head of news channel, & leave a career in mid, that's little unfair, right..

Rajat- well I'm agree with you..

Priya- Suhani is very nice girl, she is perfect too for a book warmer..

Rajat- do you like her..

Priya- yes..

Rajat- then complete the work soon & move to India again..

Priya- but sir..

Rajat- about business, I can understand, look within a month Khush turn to 21, then he can move his business anywhere, & if you want to handle as a CEO, you can continue, that's in your hand..

Priya little excited by the news- are you serious..

Rajat- well yes..

Priya- thank you so much sir, you gave me best news..

Rajat- so can we tell these to balloon Khush..

Priya- aahh, not now, I'll surprise him, with family members & of course Suhani, I call them here before his birthday..

Rajat- that's great..

Priya- how's Rashmi..

Rajat open the car door for Priya & says- she is fantastic, & you two move to home & take a rest for a day, from tomorrow we will start our work..

Priya- ok, sir, thanks a lot..

Rajat only smile & Priya take a seat in car..

In car she look Khush talking with Peehu..

Khush- yes she is here, you wanna talk with her, then call her personally..

Priya amazed by his words- Khush..

Khush glance once to Priya & says- I'm upset on you, & I'll be upset on you till you take me back to India..

Priya- it's so rude..

Khush- I don't care, it's my first & last demand..

Priya hide her smile & says- you & Peehu perfectly suitable for each other as siblings, sometimes one become stubborn, sometimes one become mature, & now you both exchanged your behavior, you become stubborn, & she become mature, ohh God what you gift a kids to me, wow, great..

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