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Khush back to home with happy face, & Priya open the door & he found sad layer in her eyes, he didn't say word & goes in his room, get fresh first & come out, & ask her..

Khush- maa what you like to eat, & he comes to her with BP machine..

Priya look that & ask him- BP machine, why, it's not weekend..

Khush- shuu! Just a regular check up, because doctor said me..

Priya ask him with confusing tone- doctor called you..

Khush- yes, & he wait for BP machine's number..

Priya keep shut her mouth till number appear on BP machine..

He see the number's & says- it's not good..

Priya bit if it irks face- Tch!

Khush- don't behave like a kid, & tell me what happened!

Priya- nothing, just feel so low..

Khush- ok, tell me what you like to eat..

Priya- nothing..

Khush with stern tone- Priya behave! You can't say no to your father..

Priya smile faintly & says- such a adorable father you are..

Khush- good girl, now tell me, what you like to eat..

Priya- can we go out & eat something local Mumbai food..

Khush- ok, done, get ready, we are going..

Vikram reached to his home, Neha looks his dull face & ask- what happened..

Vikram- umm nothing, just a little tired..

Neha- Priya is back..

Vikram ask her with tensed tone- how do you know..

Neha- I met her last evening..

Vikram- why don't you informed me that..

Neha- I thought, & she shut her mouth..

Vikram- you've done big mistake Neha, & Ram gonna pay for it..

Neha- what do you mean..

Vikram- he said yes for Priya's condition..

Neha says with upset face- what!

Vikram- yes, & you know so well whenever, Priya's name comes or by mistakenly we take her name, Peehu gets upset, now I'm thinking how she will be stay with Priya for next some months..

Neha- she is her mother, so just believe on destiny at least..

Vikram chuckle & says- 12 years, she been stay out from Peehu's life, & it's not a joke at all, & you've remember, one news air on, that Priya having a son, a 8 year old son she have by her first affair, hope that news is wrong, if it is not, then how will Peehu react, & it's obvious Priya won't come to India alone, she bring her son with her also, you getting not my point Neha, it's gonna be complicated for Ram, Priya & Peehu, after 12 years, & Vikram left the place with irks face..

Neha keep quiet herself, she didn't say word, & type a message to Natasha, & leave the house..

Ram busy with the thought's of Priya & her words echoing in ears..

Ram in mind- should I find out, why Priya force me for divorce, & that air news still running into my head, still I was wondering on that doubtful news, Priya had only one affair with that Ashwin, that too I know, the why that news air on, with that 8 year old boy, they showing he is her son, it's so complicated, I try my best to find out the reason, but could not, why she divorced me, why she  behaves so miserable, & for whom..

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