Little Moments..

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Khush back to office apartment with happiness, & he directly press Suhani's flat ring, she open the door, & he pulled cheek's of Suhani's & says with excitement..

Khush- it's successful meeting, yes, & he jumps in joy..

And his excitement vanished with the face of Priya, who crossing her arms near her chest, Khush's throat gets dry, & he cough, Priya pick the glass of water & walks to him, she forward the glass of water to him, he accept the glass of water & drink it in one go..

Priya stay clam still he completes his gulping water, he forward empty glass to Priya & start to give puppy look, Priya says with stern tone- it's not gonna work, I need brief explanation for your unwanted ignorance, or you wanted to make me realize that I am only your guardian..

Khush not say word, he keep himself quite..

Suhani only witness of their conversation..

Priya- she lied to me, because of you, is that much I'm bad, huh..

Khush still stay silent..

Priya- I come here, when I know through Rajat, that you used your card in Mumbai's restaurant, I think I should not be here, right Khush..

Khush not say word..

Priya- thanks, & I'm sorry, if I did a mistake, I'm so sorry, because I come here without your permission sir..

Khush look Priya with helpless face..

Priya look to Khush with brim eyes, & she says- please shaved your beard at least, sir, & she left the house..

Tears rolled down from Khush's eyes, he didn't look to Suhani once & left her flat..

Priya coming down & seat in the cab, she wipe her tears, who continually rolled down from her eyes..

A hour done, & Khush's flat door rings, & he open the door..

Khush look Suhani & he side away from the door..

Suhani entered in flat, & take a seat on couch, she keep camera on table & ask him- your dinner is done..

Khush without look to her & nodding in yes..

Suhani- hmm..

Khush seat on floor & start his laptop & connect the camera with his laptop..

Suhani- I'm sorry..

Khush- no, please don't say sorry at least to me, I was the one, who gives you choice..

Suhani- Khush she is your mom, she invest her love in you man..

Khush says with red eyes- that's why she called me sir..

Suhani- because she hurt by your silence..

Khush- you know the reason, why I'm silent, I'm upset on her man, why didn't she understands..

Suhani- because you always explain everything to her damn, always, each & everything, but since that incident happened, you didn't tell her that you upset on her, infact you didn't tell her that you meet Peehu by the name Luvkhush, even about the investment, I understand everything, but upset on her, that thing you didn't tell her, Khush for her you & Peehu is same, & you know so well..

Khush- I know that, I'm not denying that, but I really want to know the reason, that's it Suhani..

Suhani- look I only suggest you, one thing, talk with her, if she take your silence on her mind, it will affect on her health, before she start to making story, talk with her, otherwise you will regret your deeds..

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