Two Meeting's..

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Priya work on her laptop, her cell ring with the name of Khush, she pick the call with the smile..

Khush- hey darling, how are you..

Priya- I am good, so finally you remember, that you have one mother..

Khush- no, no, I always remember that I have mother, but sometimes I remember I have one darling also..

Priya smile & says- ok, tell me, what you want..

Khush- one lunch date with you, please..

Priya- you got your first salary..

Khush- I'm intern mom..

Priya- ok..

Khush- are you coming for lunch today with your handsome boy..

Priya- give me two minutes, I'll call you back..

Khush- ok, I'm waiting, & they cut the call..

Priya knocked on Peehu's room door, & entered in, Peehu close her laptop & look to Priya..

Priya- umm! Actually I'm going for lunch with Khush, do you want to join us..

Peehu- no, actually I have some work, I mean, I'm thinking about to do a little course of my favorite thing, like in painting..

Priya smile & says- should I suggest you something, if you don't mind, I promise I won't interfere in your college life..

Peehu think for moment & says- ahem, this Sunday, you have time..

Priya- everytime is for you only..

Peehu- if I said no for today's lunch, then..

Priya little sad by Peehu's words, she stay silent..

Peehu wait for Priya's answer, because she knows, she won't give any answer to her, because something is behind her silent answer, she say- I'm not that much bad, you may go, but bring something for me too, like nonveg, so many days I'm having veggies with you..

Priya smile & says- ok, done..

Peehu- Mrs. Priya, for tonight I'm out with my friends, which is little very much important, should I..

Priya eyebrows get rise, she is surprise by Peehu's words, & she says- you asking a permission!

Peehu- I don't know, last night, in which condition Suhani brought me home, usual it never happened, but last night I was little much high, infact I didn't remember anything, what happened with me exactly, I'm not guilty for that, but it's not good also..

Priya- it's good that you own realize, what is good for you & what not..

Peehu- please don't informed to these Papa..

Priya- hopefully you won't give me that chance..

Peehu- I try..

Priya- may I ask you the question!

Peehu stay silent herself..

Priya continue- you don't have any card's then who provides you alcohol last night, that too high quantity..

Peehu not give any answer to Priya, she remain herself silent..

Priya- ok, for now don't give me this stupid question answer, I won't mind..

Peehu smile & says- thanks..

Priya walked to Peehu & give a kiss on her forehead..

After Priya leave the room, Peehu take relief breath, & says- shit man, I thought she won't ask me the question, but she asked, Peehu, be careful, otherwise she burst once a day, & you will finish, you can't hide anything from her, she caught you on next moment, after all she is your mother, who knows you better then anyone, Tch..

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