Truth Breaks Down..

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Priya almost yelling on Neha & ask- Neha where is the proof's damn..

Natasha- are you sure you kept them here..

Neha- of course Natasha, no one knows about these, why don't you get it, that was our mistake, no body knows, & who one knows about it without three of us..

Priya- do whatever, but present that proof's to me by tomorrow evening, if that proof's goes in wrong hands, you will finish for sure, & Priya left the place..

Khush & Suhani reached to apartment with victory smile..

Khush- in my flat, today is everyone available, we can't look anything..

Suhani- come to my place, I'm alone till Monday, so come..

They walks in Suhani's flat, she lock the door & they both almost start to dance with excitement..

Khush- yes! 

Suhani- that was thrilled Khush, won't believe we get first attempt success..

Khush- and it's only happened because of you, & he pull her cheek..

Suhani stop him & says- ok, ok, relax, take a seat, I bring coffee for us..

Khush- no, no, no coffee, no water, no juice, nothing, only proof's & us..

Suhani- first take a seat, I just be back..

Khush- ok, come soon..

Suhani goes in room for change, & Khush goes to open the bundle & his cell ring with Peehu's name, he smiles after look Peehu's name, & he pick the call..

Peehu- L-U-V Khush..

Khush- hey, is everything ok with you..

Peehu- yes, I called you for a reason..

Khush- ok..

Peehu- I told you about, my parents thought for second chance..

Khush- yes, you told me..

Peehu- so for that announcement, one party is held in our house, & I want you be there, as my lucky charm..

Khush look Suhani coming out from the room, & he signed her to keep quiet, & he put the cell on speaker- ok..

Peehu- so you coming..

Khush- I try..

Peehu- if it is possible, please come..

Khush- yeah..

Peehu- Luvkhush, you have time..

Khush- yes, I have..

Peehu- I'm little nervous..

Khush- why..

Peehu- actually I'm going call my brother, for the first time, I don't know will he pick my call or not, or will he accept me & Papa in his life, my palms are sweaty, my heart beats are not normal at all, something happening in my stomach, not the butterflies, I don't know, what actually happening with me..

Khush- relax, relax Peehu, everything will be fine..

Peehu- hopefully..

Khush- all the best..

Peehu- I text you my home address..

Khush- yeah, sure..

They cut the call..

Suhani ask to Khush- you gonna pick her call..

Khush- no, if I do that, then surely she will kill me..

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