Right Way

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Priya- it's done Peehu, for two more days, then you will free from bandage..

Peehu- thanks Mrs. Priya..

Priya look up to Peehu & ask- what you will like to eat, it's Sunday today..

Peehu- I don't want anything, I'll order food for me, from restaurant..

Priya- ok, as you wish, & she pick her call from couch, & she walks from there towards the kitchen..

Peehu calls her again- Mrs. Priya..

Priya stop & look back to her..

Peehu- if you don't mind can I call my friends here for hang out..

Priya smile & says- sure, why not..

Peehu- most important, they won't accept your any kind of rules, do you get it my point..

Priya- ok, go ahead..

Peehu surprise by Priya's act & she say- you are not opposing..

Priya chuckle & says- why would I, they are not my kids, they are my daughter's friends, & I have no rights on them, but I have rights on you, right..

Peehu- got it, that I can call my friends for hang out, but can't consume alcohol & all the stuff's, right..

Priya smile & says- wow Peehu, you got my point, without any explanation, that's great, we are sharing good bond still..

Peehu ignore Priya & dialled her friends number..

At Shergill house, Nyssa present there with Natasha..

Vikram look Neha busy with Natasha in kitchen stuff, he look Nyssa & walks to her..

Vikram- hey Nyssa, how are you..

Nyssa- I'm good uncle..

Vikram- ok, tell me, your Masi allow you for internship..

Nyssa says with sad face- no, she won't understand man, she refused to take me..

Vikram- should I help you out in these..

Nyssa look to Vikram with the ray of hope & ask- is it possible..

Vikram- yes, after all I'm Vikram Shergill..

Nyssa- ok, tell me, what I have to do..

Vikram- first you have to pass one small step..

Nyssa- what step..

Vikram- that step will tell me, if you are ready for internship or not..

Nyssa- ok, I do what ever you say..

Vikram- you caught by two ladies, I mean Neha & Natasha, then you fail, if you not caught, then you pass, ok..

Nyssa- ok, done, tell me, what I have to do..

Vikram- ok, in Neha's wrist one key is tangling with chain, that key if you handover to me, without knowing her, then you pass, if you fail, then forgot about your internship, & it's a top secret, you won't share this with anyone, done deal..

Nyssa think for once & says- ok, done deal, but I need some time..

Vikram- take your time..

Nyssa- you didn't set the time..

Vikram- well target is tough, that's why I didn't set the time..

Nyssa- key is important..

Vikram twisting his lips & says- well I don't know..

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