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Peehu listen most hated voice, after long 12 years, she cut the call of Ram, & turn to Priya with furious face, Priya giving her tearyfull smile, before Priya say anything to Peehu, Peehu ask her- why you back into my & my dad's life, Mrs. Priya, whatever is your surname, I don't care..

Priya close her eyes, & she tight her fist, to gain her confidence..

Peehu gritss her teeths & says- just go away Mrs. Priya, you already make my & my dad's life hell, so just go away..

Priya open her eyes & cross her arms & says- I'm not going anywhere princess, here after you gonna stay with me..

Peehu- I'm not gonna be stay with you for minute..

Priya smirk & says- ok, then I'm going to court for you, & now please don't make me understand about Indian law, because I know that, if you want that I go through legal way, I will go, if you not ready to come with me..

Peehu stamp her foot on ground & says- you are worst mother, that I got..

Priya again lightly smile & says- ok..

Peehu take two step towards the way of car, but Priya clutch her hand, & make sure Peehu stood there for some minute, Peehu try to pulled her hand from Priya's grips, but Priya's grips on Peehu's hand is a tight, Priya comes infront of Peehu & cupped Peehu's face in her palms & lightly bend Peehu's neck to her, she give a deep kiss on Peehu's forehead, with light smile..

Peehu says with anger tone- just stay away from me..

Priya smile & says- go & seat in the car..

Peehu walks towards the car with half heart with lots of anger..

Priya looks that & dialled Khush's number..

Khush pick the call & says- hey darling, how are you..

Priya- not so good, after look Peehu's anger, she hates me Khush..

Khush for a few moments closed his eyes & stay silent & give time himself, because he knows it's not gonna be so easy, the way he showing Priya, he look her first time after one encounter with Ram, she was too low, & today's Peehu's behaviour makes Priya again too low, & unfortunately he is not there for her, to make her feel good, & he open his mouth & says- look I know, I was too much hopes, from Peehu & Ram Papa, actually I was pretty much aware of it, but I make it possible to give you hopes that they won't hate you, & you too had so much negative thoughts, & I could not understand, how to deal with it, that's why I give you false hope, for that I'm sorry..

Priya- Khush don't be say sorry..

Khush- that day, when you met first Ram Papa, I looked your face, your face clearly showing me, how much you hurt, & today I can totally imagine, what is your condition..

Priya- Khush how will I do the things normal, like past days..

Khush smile & says- all the time, you give me moral support, but today I will do that, just take normal deep breath & says, you are Priya Sharma, who do the things like her own..

Priya smile & open cars door, look Peehu, who looking outside from the glass, & Priya says to Khush- ok..

Khush- good, now I'm ending our call here, whenever you need me, just do it one call or blank message, I'll be there for you..

Priya smile & says- hmm, & Priya go seat in the car, Peehu look her once & keep her bag on Priya's seat..

Priya close the door again, & open front door, she take seat beside driver seat..

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