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Priya wait for Peehu so long, she dialled her number, but it's only ringing, she gets worried for her, & same time door bell rings, & she open the door on next moment..

Suhani on door with Peehu, who almost half sleepy, Priya shock to see Peehu's state, & she hold Peehu by side, & they entered in, Suhani & Priya keep Peehu on couch..

Priya- thanks a lot Suhani..

Suhani- it's ok aunty, she is bit of it high, please take care of her..

Priya- once again thank you so much..

Suhani- aunty please don't thank me, & please take care yourself too..

Priya look to Peehu once & says- hmm..

Suhani take a leave & Priya close the door..

Suhani comes on apartment entrance, she look Khush with upset face, who lost in his thoughts, she walks to him, & disturb his thoughts..

Khush look to her, & ask- is mom anger after look Peehu's state..

Suhani- no, actually she is worried by her state..

Khush- Peehu is hurt from inside, she loves mom a lot, more than me, but mom's drastic step change her top to toe, her these state is only because of mom's decision, infact everyone is around her but in that crowd she is alone, I swear, I won't leave that person, who changed everyone's life..

Priya seat beside Peehu, & she lightly caressing Peehu face with teary eyed, Peehu open her eyes, & look Priya beside her..

Peehu says with alky voice- sorry, but what to do, from deep inside, I feel so lonely, mom please don't go anywhere please, I hate to stay alone..

Priya- sorry princess..

Peehu- that day you come to Panchgani, I was so happy to see you, but my anger, my frustrations, so many things occupied in my mind after listening your voice, & I burst, 12 years I lied with everyone, that I hate you, (she lightly laugh) I lied with myself too that I hate you, mom I need you, please come back to me, please..

Priya looking Peehu, who is not in her normal state, she is saying everything in alky state, maybe on next morning, she not remember, what she is saying right now, Priya says- I'm here baby, only for you, I know my baby needs me, that's why I'm here..

Peehu keep head on Priya's collarbone, her hands round on Priya's waist, & she says with pouted tone- I hate it, when you compare me with your son, you always said that I'm your first baby, then how he entered in between us, huh, I love you mom, but I hate you a lot, a lot, but love you little pinch more, & she kiss on Priya's cheek..

Priya- Mumma loves you too baby, & I'm sorry, that I compared you with him, sorry..

Peehu again kiss on Priya's cheek & she ask- why you leave me, huh, why you leave Papa, you know how much me & Papa loves you, then why you leave us, I need your answer, you always said to me, that you will be always by my side then why you leave me..

Priya- bacche you can't understand..

Peehu- then tell me na, you always make me understand, then why not now..

Priya- everything was happened only because of Natasha & Neha, you remember we all family members goes on holiday at LA, Ram & Vikram jointly try to set a business there..

Peehu with hiccup laugh & says- I brought one small puppy, & Papa was allergic of dogs..

Priya look to Peehu with smile- hmm, you remembered..

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