Way To LA..

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Priya & Khush gets busy with work, Khush wanted to finish work soon as soon as possible, & wants to go back Mumbai to his family back, he didn't remember his birthday month is started, Ram & Priya plan a surprise for Khush, & in their plan Peehu & Nyssa are two are also participate, they won't tell these to Suhani but Ram already informed her about their plan, & Priya too..

Khush start to stay connect with Suhani most of time, he still not understand his curiosity of talking with Suhani is actually a love towards her, he remain set his mind that Suhani is a only a friend of him..

Priya done her work & call Khush in her cabin, he comes in & he take seat in front of him- what happened..

Priya- I hope you read out all the files & then signed it..

Khush- yes mom, you don't worry..

Priya- don't be hurry in work, I know you are excited to go back, but work is also important..

Khush smile & says- yes mom..

Priya- so you talk with Peehu, Nyssa & Papa..

Khush little confused & ask- you can ask me directly about Suhani..

Priya- no, not at all, I'm just curious to know about siblings power..

Khush- mom you can't lied with me at least..

Priya- ok, then tell me, what Suhani decided about you..

Khush- what she decided..

Priya- about you, about yourself & herself, about your both relation..

Khush- mom we are just friends, yeah that's true, I can't stop myself to call her & talk with her..

Priya- stupid you are in love..

Khush- how is that possible mom, we are just good friends..

Priya- well you need to check realty..

Khush- what do you mean..

Priya- when Suhani is not around you, you miss her..

Khush- of course we didn't talk, then it happens, within a day we both try to call each other, talk on any topic, that makes me good, may be she too..

Priya- if she fall for to other boy, then..

Khush says with casual tone- then what, we both remain same..

Priya nodding her head in no & says- when a boy entered in girl's life, she forget everyone, & that boy become her top priority, that's it..

Khush start to think about it..

Ram dialled Priya's number, Priya pick the call & says- hello Ram..

Ram- finally your number you pick..

Priya- I never ignored your number..

Ram- it's giving me unreachable..

Priya- oh..

Ram- well your surprise is ready..

Priya remember their conversation & she ask him- my surprise is also ready, but tell me, when you be here..

Ram- well tommorow nights tickets are booked for LA, & we reached there on morning, hope you come to receive us..

Priya- I'll be there, what about Suhani..

Ram- well she is too with us..

Priya- do you please pass the message to Suhani..

Ram- just a moment, she is with me actually, & he handover his cell to Suhani..

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