Dear S-,/"What do you want me to say to that?"

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It's not that
I wanted you to
say anything—
in particular.
It's more about what you're
not saying.
I know I'm too much, but I
can't help
And I'm not going to apologize.
I want to hear about your life.
I feel like
you're pulling
And I hate that shit.
I think that: yes,
I want a soulmate.
But not now.
I don't know what I want
from you.
I want to be friends.
And I don't wanna freak you out but I'm tired of guarding
my words just because it might "rock
the boat".
I'm going to be blunt—

Remember when you said
"Okay it's go time?"?
But it wasn't go time?
I'm telling you—
It's fucking "go time".

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