Chapter One

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Zara Caddel was running late to her first day of school at Providence Academy. She slept through her alarm, waking up at eight o'clock when school began in twenty minute. The girl quickly washed her face, brushed her teeth, tried her best to look presentable with a speedy two minute makeup routine, throwing her hair into the messiest bun that mankind has ever made, and changed into her uniform. A plaid blue skirt that went to the middle of her thigh (she accidentally ordered the wrong size but it looked fucking good on her, so she didn't exchange it), a long sleeve collared button up which she rolled up the sleeves because it was still summer, and a blue tie to match the skirt. Zara grabbed her bag, hoped everything was in there, and realized she had ten minutes to get to school though it was a half an hour drive.

She took an apple from the fruit bowl in the kitchen and sped off in her Mercedes to her new school, almost running ten traffic lights and scarcely avoiding hitting a biker. The girl arrived in the school parking lot one minute before the first bell rang and cursed out loud as she had to park in the back since all the slots were full. Zara accepted defeat and instead, took her time reversing into an open parking spot, throwing her apple core into the trash, and walking through the main entrance with her bag slung over her shoulder. No one was in the hallway when she was trying to find the admission office. All the classroom doors were closed, lockers shut, and silence filled the polished corridors.

Ten minutes after wandering the halls, she miraculously stumbled upon the correct room and heaved the door open. The lady at the desk gave her a warm smile, "You must be Zara," she said sweetly. "I was wondering whether you'd show up."

"Sorry," Zara replied, mimicking the woman's tone. "I got lost. This place is huge."

It was the largest private school she had ever roamed. It was around the size of a state school campus with over twenty buildings, not counting the sports fields and pools. No wonder tuition was high, they had to maintain this place somehow.

The woman released a laugh. "That's alright, my dear. Everyone gets lost on their first day," she told Zara and then handed her some papers and a pen. "Please fill this out for me."

After twenty minutes in the office, Zara completed all of her paperwork and received her schedule and a map. Her first class was across campus, there would only be ten minutes left by the time she would get there so the lady said to wait for the second period. The girl had time to kill before her next class, AP math, which she was confused about why she was put in this class before she realized that her entire schedule consisted of mostly AP classes. She knew her fucking father had something to do with it. The lady said that she would have to schedule a meeting with the counselors to try to change her classes, but they were fully booked for the entire month due to college meetings for the seniors. Zara pointed out that she too was a senior, but the lady said that she'd had to wait.

Now, Zara found her way to the science and math building. It took her the entirety of her free time to find her classroom before the bell rang and all hell broke loose. She leaned against the wall by the classroom door and watched as students filled out, the hallway suddenly becoming claustrophobic and filled with too many mixtures of perfume and cologne. Zara saw from the corner of the eye, all of the students looking at her, pointing and whispering. She was used to this by now, always the new girl every year. Thankfully, this was her last year of high school and she would be off to college.

"Bitch!" she heard a girl yell from across the hall.

A large grin grew on Zara's face as she watched her longtime friend race towards her and jump into her arms.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me you moved here?!" Cersei Lykaios demanded when she released Zara from her grasp. "I had to hear it from my mom! By the way, she's planning on throwing you a welcome party."

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