Chapter 19 - He Wants To Tell The World

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Chapter 19 - He Wants To tell The World 

Waking up on a Sunday morning to see the love of my life locked in my arms; brought peace to my soul. I traced the thick veins on his biceps down to his toned abbs.
“You’re awake” I heard him say sleepily as his hand began rubbing my back.  
“Hmm” I said not waiting to speak. I felt his piercing eyes looking down at me as I admired his body.
“How’d you sleep” His free hand found mine. We interlocked our fingers making the bond unbreakable. His heart beating fast against my ear distracting me from the gentle kisses Jase planted on the back of my hand.
“Peaceful. I haven’t had this good of a sleep for so long” I said. He closed his eyes again.

Suddenly I remembered something. I hadn’t told Dave or Mag I was planning on staying over. Instantly I shot up bringing the covers with me. “Jase I didn’t tell Dave or Mag where I am” I said worriedly however Jase was too busy eyeing my back. I turned around and shook him. His eyes wide. “Did you hear me? I…Have…Not...Told…Mag or Dave… Where… I am.” I yelled at him taking my time to get the words out. Instead of getting an answer from him, he slammed me down on the bed again and stuffed his face in my neck with my hair covering the back of his head.
“I um redly hold pate, ties hovering pour us” he mumbled in my neck. What?
“Jase I don’t understand gibberish, English please” he pulled his head out of my neck and re-approached the answer.
“I said, I already told Kate, and she said she would cover for us. So don’t worry. Now please sleep. It’s only nine” his words came out clearly than before but his eyes were half shut making it very hard not to laugh. His head fell back into my neck. I looked at the roof for at least five minutes then looked down at Jase, to find him snoozing away.

I began playing with his hair, running my fingers through it then down to his neck. I noticed the signature scent on Jase’s body, over raiding my nose. I’d become addicted to this. To him. I adored the way he looked at me when we were alone, it’s like I’m the only person he could see. His touch would send my straight to the seventh sky. He made me feel like I was his own personal brand of heroin. Slowly I fell asleep too, both of us in each other’s arms sleeping again.

A strong scent reached my nose, my eyes flung open. I turned my body on my side to find an empty space. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I wasn’t a fan of Jase’s bathroom it was smaller than mine and well not mine. It’s only been one night here and already I was missing home. After taking a shower I took out a pair of old joggers Jase kept in his ‘old clothes’ drawer and pulled them on. I went down with my wet hair, half clipped up.
“Moring Jase” I said hugging him from the back. I peeked over his shoulder to find perfectly cooked pieces of bacon on one pan while on the other pan was a heart shaped egg getting cooked. I ate the delicious breakfast I was presented with and made some coffee while Jase finished the last pieces of his food.
“Wow. This is the best coffee.” Jase said licking his lips with his eyes closed.
“Ha-ha-ha, well everyone has at least one thing their experts in” I smiled at him. The awkward silence began. I noticed Jase was lost in his thoughts as he had his thinking face on almost like Winnie- the-pooh although pooh bear is still a little cuter. “Jase what you thinking?” I said for the second time, this time catching his attention.
“Huh, oh erm… Nothing.” He got up and began washing the dishes.  

Typical Jason. Whenever he was worried or in deep thought about something he would begin to clean. I guess for me it’s an advantage since I didn’t have to clean up. After a few minutes I went towards Jase, took the half washed glass of him, closed the tap and sat him back down on the chair.
“Jase, tell me what’s wrong” I said looking into his eyes, searching for an answer. His hand tensed underneath mine.
“I’ve been thinking… I want to tell our parents about us” I pulled my hand away. “Just hear me out” He said pulling his chair closer to mine. “Libby, we’ve been together for quite a while now. I think it’s about time we tell our parents we’re a couple. I don’t wanna be romantic with you in secret. I want the world to know your mine. I don’t want to be a secret anymore. I agree we’ve had fun but we should get serious now” he said, his voice low. I saw it in his eyes that he was serious. He actually wanted to tell everyone. But what would Dave say? What if no accepts us? Questions bombarded my mind, I looked at Jase again, his body stiff waiting for an answer.
“Gimme sometime to think” was all I said, then getting up and going to Jase’s room. He didn’t come after me and I’m happy he didn’t. I needed my space.

I went home a little while after Jase told me he wanted to tell everyone about us.
“Lobster. Think about it. Please” He said kissing me on the check. I nodded then went inside the house.
“Hi honey, how was Kate’s house. You girls had fun” Mag said doing a little dance. I smiled and nodded again and went to my room to do some homework.

A week passed and not once had I said anything to Jase. I would wake up in the morning go college then come home and stay home till the next day. Of course Mag and Dave got suspicious but they never once asked me. I guess they knew I could sort it out myself. I got a few texts and calls from Jason but totally ignored them. When I said I needed time I actually meant I needed time. It was Friday now and I had been studying in my room getting ready for an assignment I had to hand in. I was peacefully working with my earphones in my ear until something wacked the window ending with a loud ‘bang’. Usually birds would bang against the window thinking it’s open so this time it must have been the same thing however the same sound came again forcing me to check. I slammed my laptop shut, threw the covers off and went towards the window. It was raining heavy, I couldn’t see anything so I was about to go but when I looked closer through the window I saw a figure leaning against something big and dark. I opened it, peeping my head out to find Jase in the rain, leaning against his car and throwing rocks at my window. Quickly, I ran to my bed to find my phone and texted Jase;

‘What r u doing here?’
“Want 2 talk 2 u, Can u come down?’
‘Jase go home, I’m not coming’
‘Fine, I’ll just stay here till u come. U can answer to Dave and call the doctor… I think I’m catching a cold’

Knowing Jase he was just as stubborn as I was and since someone had to be the adult I grabbed my coat, an umbrella, a blanket and sneaked outside. As soon as we came in contact with one another he smirked at me.
“Can we talk?” he asked. The rain got heavier. I put the blanket around him while keeping the umbrella in the other hand.
“Hurry up, I need to get back inside the house” I said worried that someone might see. He grabbed me by the waist pulling me closer. Our eyes meet.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drop the news on you like that. I’m just eager to tell everyone” he said his face inches from mine. Even though Jase had touched me a million times I still never could get rid of the butterflies and the nervousness I felt when I was around him. I exhaled loudly then spoke.
“Okay fine” I said finally agreeing to his wish. After all Jase never asked for anything from me. It’s about time I fulfil his wish.
“Okay fine what?” his face confused.
“We’ll tell them. But I have a condition”
“Of course you do. Go on tell me” I saw his eagerness in his eyes.
“When you propose… You do it in front of everyone. And you have to ask permission from Dave first” I said smiling at him his face loosened as the smile appeared.
“Deal. Now don’t I deserve a kiss? We haven’t seen each other for a week. You have no idea how SH*T my week was” I laughed at his emphasis. I leaned in kissing his on the lips. His lips tasted like coffee. Jase flung the umbrella off, the rain wetting us.

“Jason!” I yelled.
“What. You should thank me” he said holding me by the waist.
“For what, breaking our kiss” I said sarcastically
“No… For kissing you in the rain” instantly I noticed the rain again. Here comes the pink cheeks.
“Alright, go home now. Get some sleep.” I said picking up the umbrella and closing it.
“Can’t I stay round yours? It’s getting dark. You wouldn’t want me to go home this late would you? And it’s raining” his irresistibly innocent voice possessed me, commanding me to agree to his request.
“One night” I said using my serious face. He nodded quietly and held my hand. Letting me take the lead. We sneaked back inside trying to not make a single sound. These were the times where I loved the fact that only three people lived in a house this big. At least it’s easy to not get caught. We walked quickly into my room and closed the door shut. Jase laid in bed with me, luckily I had a double bed otherwise if I have a single it was be celebrations for Jase. We fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms for the second night in a row. 

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