Chapter 24 - Hope

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Chapter 24 - Hope

Jason's P.O.V

My eyes gradually opened my vision slightly blurry. I moved my stiff fingers, closing my eyes again. I re-opened my eyes and turned my head seeing a figure beside me. I focused on the figure and noticed it was Libby. She was sleeping soundlessly on a chair with her hair covering her face. My eyes traced her arm which was draped around my waist, and ended with her holding my hand. I tired moving her hand from mine but her grip was too tight.

"Libby" I whispered but she didn't move. My throat was dry and I had a headache. I lifted my free hand which was beside her and delicately moved her hair from her face. Her check felt damp as I traced her facial features with my fingertips, a few second later she moved and her eyes flung open. Instantly, she got up and put her hair behind her ears as she looked at me with her wild, wild eyes. An enormous, breath-taking smile appeared across her face.

"Jason your awake" her voice a little louder than I expected but I didn't mind; it felt good to know she was with me.

"I know" I said trying to smile at her, she rolled her eyes.

"You okay?" she asked. I nodded.

"What happened?" I questioned more to myself than Libby. I couldn't remember anything.

"We were walking on the beach and you fainted" she spoke with a troubled tone.

"Oh...Are you okay?" I asked more concerned for her than myself despite my banging headache which was impossible to ignore.

"A little shaken up but I'm okay" Silence filled the room something that we hadn't had before. I looked around the room trying to occupy myself and so did Libby but we ended up meeting each other's eyes again.

"I love you Jase" she said ending the silence, a tear fell down her check.

"Hey don't cry, I'm okay look" I said removing the covers and tried to lift my head but the pain was unbearable.

"Yeah I can see that" she said getting up.

"How long have I been unconscious for?" I asked as she went to the end of the bed.

"About two days" she spoke softly as she sorted out my blanket. I tried to not look long at her, as if she was the sun, yet I saw her, like the sun, even without looking. She came towards me again her light illuminating the room. All I could see was Libby, I turned my head to look somewhere else but she was there too; she was everywhere. I lifted my head and saw her looking at me, her gaze grew stronger and I lost myself in her eyes saying her name repeatedly, until I heard a faint call. The voice called again but I ignored it as I was too busy falling in love with Libby again but the voice wouldn't stop. I ripped my gaze from hers and listened carefully.

"Jason" the voice repeated, I felt a light touch on my shoulder, it got harder until I closed my eyes.

I slowly opened them again to see a figure sitting on me with her face inches from mine. Her rosy red lips mouthed my name. I shook my head and saw it was Libby.

"Libby what... what are you doing?" I asked once I found my voice and senses.

"Me? You're the one who just zoned out" she yelled at me.

"I zoned out?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. I went to fix your blanket, came back and saw you staring into space. You're moved your head but it was like you was looking at me but not exactly me... Jason are you okay?" her voice worried.

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