Twenty Eight

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New Years Eve

Jessica laid on Danny, both sleeping peacefully before their alarms abruptly woke them up.


"Shh." Jessica mumbled.

Danny chuckled and flipped her over.
She curled into the blanket and pillow.

"Good morning my beautiful wife."

"Good morning." She mumbled, just a mess of hair.

"We have to start decorating for our party."

"I know....."

"Jessica." He laughed before smacking her bottom.

"You making breakfast?"


"Give me five."


Danny went down stairs and began cooking.

Jessica sat up in the bed and groaned before sliding her robe on and walking downstairs.

She walked straight downstairs and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.

"I love you."

"I love you too Jess, go rest your sleepy little head on the couch while I cook you breakfast." He pecked her lips and smiled down at her.

"Mm, don't have to tell me twice."

Danny smacked her bottom as she walked away, causing her to yelp and rub where he smacked, glaring at him.

"Go slow with that."

Her face instantly lit back up and she grinned and walked into the livingroom.


Jessica and Danny slowed danced to the music in the crowd.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, you'll never know how much."

He bent down for a kiss and smiled down at her.

"You are beautiful, inside and out Jessica. You walk by and take my breath away. I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

"You're so sweet."

"Alright lovebirds break apart, you're always together it's our turn with her!"

"Bring her back in one piece, Sarah!"

"Yeah yeah whatever!"

"So what'd it say?" Sarah asked when she'd successfully 'stolen' Jessica.

"Negative and still no period." Jessica sighed.

"I'm sorry Jess."

"Maybe it's just not meant to be."

"Jessica, don't think negative! You're going to have the most beautiful family."

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