Forty Eight

70 7 1

July 14th

Jessica groaned and rolled in her sleep uncomfortably.

A sudden jolt made her wake, beginning to cry.

"Danny." She shook him.


"I think I'm in labor."

"Really?!" Danny instantly perked up and kissed her.

He began running around frantically, searching for the hospital bag.

Jessica held her stomach as she began to slip her house shoes on.

"Oh oh, ow." She took a deep breath in as tears began to run down her face.

When Danny came back, he extended his hand to her and helped her down the stairs.

"We get to meet our baby Jess!"

"Hopefully she comes out soon."

"I pray she's a chunker."

Jessica smiled through the pain at Danny's giddiness.

"Call Sarah."

"Hello Jessica, I hear we're having a baby!"

"We areeee." She smiled.

"Great! Let's check you to see your progress."

Jessica spread her legs and head held her breath as the nurse checked her.

"You're at 5 centimeters."

"What? How?"

"Do you want an epidural?"


"She's crazy!" Sarah looked down as if she'd lost her mind.

5 hours later...

"I feel so much pressure." Jessica said as she readjusted herself on the bed.

"Ohh, yeah definitely feel pressure, press the nurse button." She inhaled sharply and began crying harder.

Jessica doctor came in a few moments later.

"I was told that we possibly have a little lady ready to come out."

"Oh she certainly is." Her doctor said the second he lifted her gown.

"Alright Jessica, I'm going to need to you do a couple pushes. Breathe in between."

"Okay push."

Jessica's face scrunched as she pushed, squeezing Danny's hand tightly.

"Never again." She cried looking at Danny.

"Come on Jessica, give us a few strong pushes!"

Jessica pushed as hard as she could.

"Almost, good job. Take a few breaths and one more push and she'll be here."

Jessica gathered up what strength she had left and pushed as hard as she could.

A piercing cry filled the room and Jessica looked down and began sobbing even harder.

"My baby girl." Jessica choked, looking at their brown eyed baby with hair thick and almost black.

"She's perfect." Danny said, tears streaming down his face.

"We struggled so much and she was worth every minute of it." Jessica cried.

Baby Huston

July 15th


8lbs 5oz

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