Fifty Five

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"Danny get off of me!" She giggled as Danny hovered above her.

"Shhh give me five more minutes. I'm in heaven."

Jessica rolled her eyes.

"You've been insatiable Danny."

"Wellll, I went without for so long." He pouted before kissing her lips.

"Aw poor baby." She giggled and kissed him again.

"Your lips are so soft." He murmured as he pecked her lips and began kissing down her neck to her breasts.

"And thank you Rue for making these puppies the massive size they are today."

"Hey!" She whined.

"I love them."


"Fun times over." Jessica pulled Danny to her lips and groaned.

"Ok get her."

Danny got off of Jessica and went over to her bassinet and grabbed her.

"Hey hey, it's okay girlie."

The baby calmed and Danny beamed down at her.

"How can I love something this much?"

"You get sweeter by the day Danny."

"It's how I feel, she's the most perfect part of our lives Jess."

"Give her to me so I can feed her."

"Fineee, but I get her right back!"

"Deal." Jessica pulled up the comforter over her hips.

Danny kind of just stared and gave her a weird look as he handed her the baby.

"I just felt weird being completely naked."

"Well, I don't think she minds and I definitely don't."

"Hush." She blushed.


"Knock knock!" Sarah said, barging through the front door.

"Hey Sar." Danny said going through the  dining room to the front entrance.

"How are you Danny?" Sarah asked as he and Rue finally made their entrance.

"I'm good."

"Where's Jess?"

"Taking a nap, she's been super drained and I felt bad."

"Oh, well I'm definitely about to wake her up!" Sarah said and Danny shook his head.

"You deal with the monster you're waking up."

"Deal. Now let me have my niece so we can go wake Jess up."

Danny handed Rue back and headed back to the kitchen.

"Jessica!" Sarah squealed at the door.

Jessica head lifted up and she looked around confused.

"What do you want." She croaked.

"I'm pregnant."

"What?!" Jessica jumped up.

"Yeah!" She squealed.

"I didn't even know you were doing anything to get pregnant!"

"Well I wanted to surprise you!"

Jessica hugged Sarah and Rue grunted.

"Oops we squished her."


I'd like to thank everyone who's cheered me on for all of my books and helped me become the writer I am today❤️

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