Chapter 7

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**(I know it's super short!, It will get better! trust me, I won't let you down!)**


Connor's POV

I shuffle my keys in my hands as I make it to the front door, I hate fucking coming home, I know Sierra's here, and I don't want to talk to her.

Fucking Sierra has been stuck up my ass for three years, she thinks that I want more but she's just here because she doesn't have anywhere else to stay. She used to be nice but, now she's a fucking bitch that I can't stand. I hate her ass, I fucking hate her, she's the reason I don't have the girl I want.

I miss Tayson, she's my world and three years of being blocked out of her life is killing me. It's fucking killing me, I love that woman and I always will.

She stopped talking to me the day she left, and I can't say anything to anyone about her because we were a secret but, I know that I have been dying without her. I never knew how much I loved her until she slipped through my fingers. I miss her cold feet, her giggle, her lips, her cocky attitude, her beautiful hair, I just miss her so much. I want her back and I haven't seen her in so long. It's like we never existed to everyone else but I know in my heart that I love Tayson.

I pull open the door and walk in to the kitchen to see Sierra in the kitchen, "Hey" she says as I nod my head and walk to my room. Not our room, mine. I haven't dated her since the day Tayson left, I can't do it. I kissed her a few times when I was drunk but, she is not my girlfriend. I will not date her again, she lives with me because she's broke, not because I want her to.

"Asshole" she murmurs under her breath as I keep walking and go to my shower. I'm sick of this, I hate my life. I hate everyone and everything because I don't have Tayson. I grab the bootle of whiskey from the top of my dresser and chug half the bottle, it's the only thing that takes the pain away. That and trying to sleep as much as possible to not think about her.

I'm a alcoholic, asshole, cheater and I fucking hate my life.

I finish the entire bottle a minute later as I throw it into the trashcan next to the other three from yesterday. I strip and take a cold shower as I remember her, I miss her laugh, her smile, her flirting, her touch and I miss us. I'm a fucking bastard for ruining us because I have been three years without my girl and I'm going to explode.

I step out and get dressed as I quickly go into my room and open my laptop, I have to get busy, I'm Trevor's best man and he needs a good bachelor party. I search for strip clubs as find the most expensive one possible, all this fucking money I have, why not. I make a few calls and reservations, and fifteen minutes later I have us set. He's going to love it, free ass and tits, it's wonderful. It will make my mind more occupied.

I actually can't believe he's marrying the bitch that he's been dating, she's stupid and I hate her. He loves his family too and they are even refusing to take part in this circus. I don't blame them, I'm only his best man because his brother said no and he's my best friend. I know he doesn't want to marry her anyway, she is a fucking mistake. He just can't break her heart, I know how that is. Trevor's my only real guy friend though, I like him, I can joke with him and we fight like brothers. He's cool, and maybe I just need to have fun planning his bachelor party, I'll get out of my own fucking head then.

I close the laptop as I lay in the bed and look over at her side, I haven't had anyone else in this bed but her and I plan on keeping the that way. I tried not to wash the sheets for a few months until her scent disappeared but I've had three years to think about this and I want Tayson.

I miss her cold feet on my thighs, her obnoxious giggles, her sweet and soft kisses, and the way that she held me like I meant the world to her. She means it to me and I fucked us up because I was a giant fucking pussy.


"Come on man, we need to do 108 more!" Trevor yells as we continue doing push ups, we have 108 more we have to do in three minutes before we get to leave, I'm ready to go anyway, I want whiskey and tequila, that sounds good because every time I look at Trevor she's all I can think about, my Tayson.

"Alright I'm ready, let's go!" I yell as I take a breath and keep going, I know Trevor, and all the other guys are ready to leave but, our standards are so high, we are used to doing this.

I finish and pass out on the floor catching my breath, the past year and a half all I have done is work out and drink. I've had a lot of time to think and I know that it's wrong but, it's all I want to do.

"Ready for your bachelor party tomorrow? I know your best man is" I tell Trevor as he sits next to me wiping the sweat from his forehead. I know I'm ready for tomorrow, I want to fuck something so Tayson's face will get the fuck out of my head. No matter how hard I try she always is stuck in my mind because I still love her unconditionally, and I fucked us up.

I've had to live with that shit and it's killing me, I want to get her out of my mind because I know she doesn't want me anymore but, I still love her.

"Don't do anything stupid, it's not even a real bachelor party, I'm not marrying her anytime soon" he tells me as I stand up and pat his back. I feel for him and the situation he's in, I know he fucked up by getting a promise ring, and making her think he wanted to be engaged, I'm a cheater but, I've never done that.

"Right, you tell Charlie yet?" I ask as I roll my eyes, I hate her just like I hate Sierra.

"We are going to talk about it, I'm just doing this before I tell her" he says as I smile, good free ass and tits, and maybe even getting layed could do him well. He walks to the locker room as I follow him a minute later.

I hop into the shower next to him and drop my shorts, I'm comfortable in my body and we have stalls that are sectioned they just don't cover our faces we are so tall.

"You need to tell her before you get married in three months" I tell him as he sighs and runs his hair under the water, I follow doing the same.

"I know, I was kind of praying I would want to marry her, by then at least. It just feels wrong though" he says as I nod. I know more than he thinks I do, I've been with a bitch that feels wrong to.

"Okay, So after your bachelor party. At least we can watch strippers and not get judged before you're single again" I tell him while laughing, I'm looking forward to this more than he thinks.

"Yeah" he says quietly as I continue washing, he walks out and grabs a towel a few seconds later as he finishes, I scrub my arms for a few minutes more before walking out too.

I go to the ice baths and fill one up and I sit down and ice my body. I feel my dick and balls shrink as my legs become cold, I ran my fucking ass off today though and I need to help the crapping in my legs. I'm getting slower and I know it's because I'm drunk half of the time I'm here, I just hide it well.

I need to do something though, something has to change, I can't lose my job. Tayson Kingston fucked me up and I have never been the same since, I miss my girl but, I can't have her.

Tayson's Triangle (Kingston Series #4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now