Chapter 9

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Connor's POV

I walk out of the locker room and go straight to my black car, I used to have a truck that I remember lifting Tayson into but, after a few weeks of dating it stopped working, the engine cost way to much to repair and I decided to just buy something new. So, I bought a black sports car three years ago and I haven't regretted it since, the other one had a factory defect anyway, that I didn't know about, so deciding it wasn't worth the hassle, I just got this.

My black Dodge Challenger Hellcat X, limited edition. She's beautiful, she's shinny and she hasn't lost her value one time, she's almost as perfect as Tayson.

I unlock it and sit down in the drivers seat and think, I am not going home to see Sierra's ass. I sigh as I start driving and then see a bar, my favorite bar, I'm an alcoholic anyway, might as well.

I've been drowning my love for Tayson in alcohol for three years, it's the only thing I can do to make her go away and I'm not stopping now, I have to meet Trevor tomorrow for his fucking bachelor party anyway.

I park and walk in to see Sammy, the bartender behind the bar, "Samuel Adams?" she asks as I sigh. She knows my fucking routine already.

"Actually I want Jack Daniels and then I want Crown Royal" I tell her as she nods.

"Hitting the hard stuff today I see" she says as she fixes both of the drinks, I drink the whole thing in one sip and set it back down like a shot. She refills it again as I chug it.

"Damn Connor, what the fuck happened today?" she asks as I look around, I'm the only fuck in here anyway, she has to talk to me.

"I want my girl back but, she doesn't want me. You know I haven't seen her in three years and her brother's my best friend?" I ask as I sigh. She doesn't know me anyway, why not talk to a stranger about my woman problems?

"That again, listen if you love her go get her, you are the only one in the way of that" she tells me as I sigh.

"I cheated on her. I'm a sick fuck and I deserve to rot in fucking hell, this helps that" I tell her as she nods and takes away my drinks and the bottle. I need that, I also need something to take my mind off of Tayson, it's always fucking Tayson. 

"What?!" I ask as she takes away all the alcohol from me.

"Stop being a pussy and go find her" she says as she dumps my drink into the drain behind the bar.

"I don't know where she is" I demand as she sighs and pulls out her phone.

"You better not say shit about this. My brother is super smart with technology, when I wanted to find my best friend I used this app thing, just put in her number and it pulls up her location. You didn't hear that from me" she rasps out as I take my phone out.

"She blocked me" I tell her as she nods.

"Do you still have her number?" she asks as I nod, I don't show her my call history though, it's mostly Tayson, I call and call everyday praying that she will answer me but, she never does, I've done it every day for three years.

"Here" I show her as she types it in, thank god for crazy stalking bitches.

"See, she's at Mel's café" she says as she shows me her phone.

"I owe you" I demand as I hand her a hundred dollar bill and walk back to my car. Maybe I can find her and try talking to her, maybe she'll listen to how fucking sorry I am. I will never be that immature guy again and I want her, forever.

I back up and make my way towards the café, it's surprisingly not that far from the bar and I make it a few minutes later as I silently pull into the parking lot. I chose to park in the back so she can't see my car. I walk towards the Togo section and stop when I hear her.

Tayson's Triangle (Kingston Series #4) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now