The Letter

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I woke up to the light peaking through my drapes. It was a crisp morning. A sweet whisper in my ear reminded me what day it was.

"Happy birthday dear"

My mothers voice was sweet like honey. I hummed back as I was still half asleep until the words reached my ears.

"OMG mother this is the year!"

As I turned to face her I saw her next to my father, purched on the end of my bed. The both had sweet smiles on there faces. My mother and father where, to be honest very different, she was sweet and kind and owned a famous bakery in Diagon Ally. Meanwhile my father was a rather cold man. He worked at the ministry, head of the department of magical games and sports.

One of the things they had in common though is that they where both deatheaters for the Dark Lord, i still dont know how my mother was ine she was so lovley. My family was more onto the dark side.

MY parents surrounded me in a tight embrace.

"I know my dear the letter should arrive later today" my father hummed

What letter you may be asking? Well it's for Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. I've dreamed of going there ever since my father first told me about it. It seemed like the most magical place on earth. My parents quickly left my room for me to get my self up and running. I slid out of bed and over to my dresser. I picked out a green plat skirt and a black sweater which I tucked it. I slicked my H/C hair down with matching headband and pranced down the stairs.

My parent where gathered around the dinning room table. Our house elf Emry was serving them a delicious looking breakfast.

"Emry would like to wish Miss Y/N a happy eleventh birthday" chimed the little elf.

I took my seat and began to dig in to my delicious meal. The day Had been just like any other birthday I've had. I opened dozens of gifts went for a walk with my mother through her garden and played games with Emry. There was only one part of the day missing. My letter. I patiently waited by my bedroom window for what seemed like hours, until. A beautiful black owl with blues eyes knocked on the window seal. I immediately opened the window and grabbed the letter from its beak. This was it! I called for my parents who quickly came up the stairs.

"Its arrived," I squeaked "my letter to Hogwarts"

The letter was beautiful, in a creme coloured envelope written in emerald green it stated.

Miss Y/N Lux
38 Avenly Drive
The bedroom above
the library

I turned around to see the red stamp sealing the letter, displaying the schools crest. My mother ran her figures through my H/L and kissed my head

"We are so proud of you" She said with a warm smile.

I opened the letter which contained my book list and other information on the school.

"Tomorrow we can go to Diagon Ally to fetch your supplies" your father said

"My old friend Narcissa and I have been planning on meeting up, I think she has a son your age. Mabey would could me up there" your mother said with a wide smile.

I didn't really like any of your mothers friends. They would always pitch your cheeks, feed your horrid sweets and always say. God your getting so big! I had never met Narcissa before though so let's hope she have some class. I went to sleep that night exited for tomorrow, getting to have a wand, pick a pet and just have fun!


(A/N) This is my first time writing a fan fiction. Sorry if it dragged on for a bit. I will try to make the next chapters longer. Hope you enjoyed it!

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