Train Ride

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We stayed at Malfoy manor for the rest of the holidays

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We stayed at Malfoy manor for the rest of the holidays. Today was the day we are going back to hogwarts. Narcissa dropped me and Draco at Kingscross Station.

"Have a good semester dears." She yelled" and don't forget to write".

"Bye mother" Draco yelled back.

"Bye Narcissa" I smiled.

Draco helped me carry my luggage and put it on a trolley.

"So how where is the platform again." He said as we walked.

"We just run through the wall between nine and ten" I smiled back.

We approached the platform positioning ourselves in front of the wall. I took a hold of Dracos hand and began to sprint towards the wall. Light burst into my face as we appeared on the other side.

"I'll put the luggage on the train, you find a compartment for us" Draco smiled squeezing my hand.

"Okay see you soon" I said handing him my bags.

I wandered around the platform pushing my way to the front. I pulled my self onto the train and began to wander the hallway, looking for an empty compartment.

I found one right near the bathrooms which was perfect because it would be quick to change into our robes.

I took a seat next to the window and waited for Draco. All of a sudden the door slid open. In came Theo and Daphne holding hands.

"Mine if we sit here" she smiled.

"Not at all" I replied the smile. "you guys are so cute"

"Thanks" Theo smiled them taking the seat across from me.

Blaise entered the compartment shortly after.

"Hey guys" he smiled taking a seat next to me and swinging his legs onto my lap.

"Have you seen Draco" I sighed looking at Blaise.


We made small talk for while until the door swung open again. I'm came Draco.

"Move Blaise" he spat.

"Now why would I do that" he smirked

"Becuase you shouldn't touch what's not yours" Draco snarled.

"Last time I checked she's not yours either" Blaise spat.

"Guys stop" I snapped.

"Why he's a dick" Blaise smirked, swinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Shove off Blaise" I said slipping out from under his arm and leaving the compartment.

"Y/N wait" Draco said grabbing my arm.

"I'll be back soon Draco" I sigh releasing my arm from his grip and wandering down the hall.

All of a sudden I ran into Harry.

"Watch where you going Harry" I sighed

"Why should i" he snapped.

"Harry" I questioned" what happened.

"I don't like how close your getting with Malfoy" he sneered.

"Why do you care" I snapped back.

"Because I don't want you to become evil like the other slytherins" he sighed grabbing my hands.

"WHAT" I yelled yanking my hands from his grip. "So you think that just because we are slytherin we're all evil"

"It's just, what happens to a lot if them" he spat.

"Wow so now your stereotyping us" I snarled.

"No that not what I me-"

"No I think it is" I snapped.

"Goodbye Harry" I sighed Turing on my heal and walking towards the bathroom.

I changed into my robes and made my way back to the Slytherin compartment.

I swung the door open and took a seat next to Daphne, across from a kissed Blaise and Draco.

"I hate Potter" I said through gritted teeth.

"Ooo I want to here this" Theo smirked.

"He told me to stop hanging out with Draco because apparently all slytherin become evil" I snap running my hands through my hair.

"What" Draco snapped." That's absoult rubbish"

"He's delusional" Daphne snarled rested here head on Theos shoulder.

The rest of the train ride was quiet but not the awkward kind just the comfortable kind, we soon arrived at Hogwarts.


(A/N) thankyou for reading this chapter. I'm going to end this year at Hogwarts in about 3 chapter but will be continuing it through 3rd year. Happy reading and have a great day 🌻🐍🌼

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