Train Ride

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The platform was cold and empty. No one was there yet. It was a crisp morning. I couldn't see Draco yet so I waited patiently by the ticket booth.

All of a sudden someone grabbed my waist from behind, kissing my cheek. I snapped around ready to punch the person when I spotted the familiar blond hair.

"Draco, you scared me" I gasped.

"Aww did i" he smirked.

I gave him a long hug. Still being the only ones of the platform we took a seat on a nearby bench. I rested my head on his shoulder as he played with my hair.

"Did you hear Lockharts going to be our DADA teacher" he sighed.

"Ughhh seriously" I pouted

"You look cute when your pissed" he laughed.

"Say that again and I'll spit on you" I snapped.

More people began to fill the platform as the Hogwarts express pulled in. Me and Draco stood up hand in hand trying to find an empty carriage.

When he sat down I put my head on his lap. As the trip continued he read and advanced potions book as I fiddled with the buttons on his cuffs.

We didn't speak but it was a comfortable silence.

"y/n" he sighed.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"You know how much you mean to me right" he smiled warmly.

"You mean more to me" i chimed.

I noticed we where getting close to school. I jumped off of the seat and Dracos lap.

"Imma go change" I chimed.

"K come back soon" he smiled.

On the way back from changing I spotted two familiar red head. I eagerly slid open the compartment door.

"Fred, George!" I beamed.

"Oh hey" Fred smiled.

"Haven't seen you in a while" George chuckled.

"What year are you guys in this year" I asked.

"Year 4" they replied at the same time.

"Well I'll see you around" I smiled.

"Seeya y/n" the said together.

I I shut the compartment door. When I walked back into the compartment Draco was still changing.

"Crap sorry" I blurted out averting my eyes.

"Nah don't worry, bet you like what you see" he smirked.

"Draco" I gasped.

I stood outside the compartment while he finished.

"K you can come back in now" I heard a muffled voice say.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a fully dresses Malfoy standing in the doorway.

"Ok" I whispered walking back into the compartment. I took my seat with my head on Dracos lap again but this time we talked.

"So how was your holdiay" he said while he braided my hair.

"Decent" I sighed. "What about you?"

"Decent" he whispered.

All of a sudden we locked eyes with each other. God his eyes where so beautiful, a gorgeous grey. It went silent. Me and Draco continued this moment if staring into each others eyes until there was a knock at the door.

"Anything off the troll dears" a plump lady chimed.

I quickly lifted my head off Dracos lap, my face turning a scorching red, as did his.

"Oh um 2 chocolate frogs and a cauldron cake please stuttered.

"And you dear" she smiled looking at Draco

"Uh a licorice wand and a pumpkin pasty" I said sternly.

We where given the sweets. When I went to hand my money to the woman I was stopped my Draco.

"I'll pay for the both of us" he said sternly yet again.

He gave the woman the money and returned to his seat with his sweets.

"You don't have to pay for my sweets you know" I sighed.

"I know" he smiled.

The rest of the train rude we ate our sweets and continued talking about different things until we pulled up to Hogsmead station.


(A/N) sorry this was another filler chapter. Should Draco and y/N start their more romantic relationship  this year or wait till their older? Thankyou for reading and have a great day!!


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