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It was the first day if classes

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It was the first day if classes. I got up early, taking a shower so hot it would burn Satan. I put on my uniform, loosening the tie. I curled my hair into beautiful ringlets that fell over my shoulders.

I wondered out of the common room to be met with the Friendly face of Bella.

"Bella" I gasped "you scared me what are you doing here" I smiled.

"I wanted to ask you where some of these classes where, but none of the slytherin would let me in" she smiled sheepishly.

"Oh well let me see you schedule" I said moving my hand out in a grabbing motion.

She handed me the small piece of paper.

"Oh this is perfect" I laughed. "We have the exact same schedule, just walk with me"

"Oh that's good" she smiled. "Wanna walk to breakfast"

"Sure" I smiled. As we walked down the hall she talked to me about herself. She lived with her mum. Her favorite colour was black and her only sibling was Anthony.

"Hey so what's the deal with that weasley boy" she giggled.

"Oh Ron hes-" I started

"No the older one" she laughed.

"Oh do you mean Fred" I smiled.

"Yeah that one" he said turning a little red.

"What do you want to know"i laughed.

"Is her single" I giggled.

"I think so why" I sighed. Then it clicked. "Omg you like Fred" I said a bit to loudly.

"Shutup" she snapped, turning pink.

"Shit sorry" I said bringing my voice down to a whisper. "Aw you guys would so cute" I giggled.

When we reached the great hall i walked over to the Gryfindor table with her. She sat down next to Anthony patting the seat in between them.

"Oh, um I shouldnt" I smiled shyly.

"No please do" He smiled offering his hand. As I was about to take it I felt myself get yanked back.

I turned to meet a fuming Draco. He snake his hand rather harshly around my waist, galrring daggers at Anthony.

"Sparks" he snarled.

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