Getting Settled

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Me and Draco hrried of the train hand in hand so we wouldn't loose each other

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Me and Draco hrried of the train hand in hand so we wouldn't loose each other. A large hairy man was beckoning the first years so we both scurried over.

"All first years follow me to the boats" he boomed

We followed him over to a dock with hundred of small wooden boats. 2 other boys sat with me and Draco in our boat. One introduced himself as Blair's Zabini and the other Theodore Notts. Blaises was tall and dark where Theo was short and perky.

The night air was cool and refreshing. It took about 5 minutes to get across the lake and then we walked up a large flight of stairs. Me Draco, Blaise and Theo all decided to stay together as we walked.

At the top of the stairs was a tall frail woman in emerald green robes.

"Before you sit down you must be sorted into your houses. The are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" she stated then returning behind large doors.

You and Draco both smiled at Each other when Slytherin was bought. You both knew that would probably be what you got sorted into. Draco left your side to go talk to a boy.

"So it's true what they where saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to hogwarts." He smirked

Harry Potter. The Harry Potter was coming to the same school as me.

"This is Lux, Zabini and Notts. And im Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

A boy standing next to Harry snorted a laugh at the name. I pushed in front of Draco to meet the boy.

"Think his names funny do you. No need to ask yours, red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasly." I spat at him

Your family and you where not big fans of the Weaslys. You considered them bloodtraitors.

The weasel and Potter just glared at us, but I didn't care I wouldn't be friends with them anyway. The lady reappeared through the doors to face the students.

"We are ready for you" she said with a warm smile.

The doors behind her burst open. A huge room laid behind them. There where four large tables, and one large one at the front. I think those are the staff. We where lead to a platform where a old hat sat on a stool.

The woman explained how we would where the hat and it would sort us into our houses. We then would sit at one of the four tables.

Sudents started to get sorted. I was getting closer and closer to the front. The where a suprising amount if Gryffindors includeing Potter, weasel and one of there mudblood friends.

It was Draco turn to be sorted. He walked up to the stool wirh a smirk plastered on his face. He sat down and before the hat was even on his head it shouted.


You where so relieved that Draco got slytherin. As he walked over to the table we you an encouraging smile. It was your turn to get sorted.

You smoothed out you skirt and began to walk up to the stool. Your palms where sweaty but you didn't know why. I am just being sorted. You sat on the stool, straightening you robes. The woman then places the hat onto you hear and it began to talk.

"Ah, another Lux."It said in its haunting voice." Let's see, you very cunning and brave, yes." You where taking big breaths as you waited for your result."A nice first to prove yourself." You looked over to see Draco staring at you with his figures crossed under the table."Better be..."


The table to the far right started bursting with whistles, claps and cheers. You speed walked over to where Draco was sitting and gave him a relieved hug, shich he gladly returened.

"I knew you would be a slytherin!" We both smiled at eachother.

We sat next to eachother for the rest of the sorting. Both Theo and Blaise got sorted into slytherin, so that was good. To my joy fricken pugface also got slytherin. She pranced up to the seat next to Draco.

"Hi Dracy mind if I sit next to you" batting her eyelashes

"He might not but I do" you snapped back.

She just glared at me, I smirked back.

"Dam what's wrong with you" Blaise laughed.

"She's a nitwit that's what's wrong" you sneered.

An old man began to explain the rules about this school. I think his name is Professor Dumbledore. After the speech was out the way, hundreds if plates if food appeared on the tables.

The boys immediately began to dig in, scoffing their faces with food.

"You guys are pigs" I laughed.

You picked out a few sausages, salad and a drumstick. This is some of the best food I have had in ages.

After the feast the slytherin prefect led you down to the dungeon where your dorms where.

"Great we are already being treated like criminals" sighed Blaise.

You all huffed and continued to follow the prefect to the common room.

"Boys dorms are on the left, girls on the right. You arent allowed in the opposite genders dorms" he stated in a monotone voice.

You went up to your dorm and began unpacking. Suddenly the door opened. This must be my room mate. I turned around expecting a friendly girl but.. pugface.

"Seriously" you  groaned

"Aw looks like your stuck with me." She sneered.

The rest if the night was hell. Pugface hogged the bathroom used up all the deskspace and stayed up for hours picking out her accesories for tommorow.

"Which one do you think will make Dracy like me" she hummed

"An invisablily cloak" you smiled back.

She rolled her eyes at you. I don't really remeber the rest of the things she talked to me about because half the time I was either ignoring her or asleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


(A/N) thankyou for reading this chapter it was really fun to write, do you think Lux should stay with the sarcastic and rude comments or become nicer.

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