Troll In The Dungeon

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There was a bright light

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There was a bright light. This is it I've died. When I let my eyes adjust, I sat up. God there was a sharp pain in my head.

I looked to my left. There was Draco asleep and holding my hand. I was still in my quiddich uniform. Madam Pomfrey rushed over when she saw you where awake.

"Oh Y/N how are you feeling dear"

"What happened" I groaned

"You took a bludger to the head dear"

Of course I took a bludger to head in my first game. I looked at the end of the hospital bed. There where lots of chocolates and sweets and get well cards.

"You need to get some rest" Madam Pomfrey said sweetly.

"How long has he been there" I said looking towards Draco

"He hasn't left since you first came im" she smiled

"How long was I out for" I questioned

"3 days" she sighed

Ughhh, I'm going to have to catch up on so much homework. I watched Madam Pomfrey walk back to her desk when the grip on my hand tightened.

I looked down to see Draco begin to wake up. I brushed his hair out if his face. He looked up at me with tired eyes. He's eyes them widend when he saw I was awake.

He practically jumped on top of me and surrounded me in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad your okay" he sighed as he stroked my hair.

"Did we win" I questioned

"No. Saint Potter caught the snitch" he scoffed

"So he gets a trophy and I get a migraine"

He laughed and released me from the hug. Madam Pomfrey gave me permission to go back to the great hall for dinner.

When I walked in with Draco I was knocked to the floor in a hug. Blaise and Theo where giving my a tight squeeze.

"Hey guys" I laughed

"God we thought you died" Theo sighed

Him and Blaise let go if me and helped me up. We walked over to the slytherin table right as the food appeared.

I shoved down 2 sausages, some rice and a salad. After not eating anything for 3 days I was starving.

All if a sudden Professor Quirril came bursting through the doors.

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