First Day

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Today was my first official day of hogwarts classes! I turned to see the clock on the wall

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Today was my first official day of hogwarts classes! I turned to see the clock on the wall. It was 6:13 breakfast wouldn't be served for over an hour. I rolled over to see Parkinson. She wasn't a particularly pretty sleeper, her hair was in a birds nest and there was drool on her pillow.

I cringed. I decided to get and explore the corridors before everyone else would be up. I slipped on my uniform and brushed out my H/L H/C, securing it with a headband. With a quick wink in the mirror I was off.

I climbed down the stairs into the common room. To my surprise there was a familiar figure.

"Blaise what are you doing up so early"

"I could ask you the same question"

"I'm going corridor wandering, care to join me" you smiled sweetly.

"That would be lovely" he chimed back.

We walked through the halls for about half an our. There was a surprising amount of students already up.

Me and Blaise where having a heated conversation about which quiddich team was best when i was knocked to the floor.

"Potter" I snorted

There he was looking down at me. He offered his hand to help me up. Blair's was quick to grab my waist and pull me back to my feet. Glaring at Potter me and Blair's began to pick up my books.

"I-I am so sorry, I sh-should of been looking where I was going" he muttered

"Yeah you should of" Blaise snapped

I straightened out my skirt and with one last huff I pushed past him. God how can potter we that oblivious to what's happening around him.

You and Blaise both made your way over to the great hall where you where greeted by to familiar faces.

Draco beckoned you over. You took a seat next to him and Blaise.

"Where did you two sneak off to this morning" Theo said wiggling his eyebrows

"Ew Theo, we just went for a walk" you glared back.

For breakfast you just had some toast and eggs. Draco, Blaise and Theo had large breakfasts with bacon, eggs ,sausages, toast and orange juice.

"God how can you eat that much" I questioned

"Please, you eat so little" Theo groaned

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