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I stormed out to the forbidden forest

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I stormed out to the forbidden forest. I didn't care where I was going. Draco knew I hates Pansy so why would he hang out with her behind my back.

Why do I even care that Draco hangs out with Pansy, it's not like I like him. Or do I? No, no ,no I most certainly do not. He's my best friend I couldn't like him like that.

Though the thought of him with anyone else makes me want to kill someone. I walked deeper into the forest I spotted a strange silver liquid leaving a trail on the floor, Unicorn blood?.

It led deeper into the forest. I wasn't about to follow because I'm not dumb. I walked back through the forest and emerged at the back of Hagrids hut. I walked up and knocked on the door in a nice beat.

I haven't really talked to Hagrid before but oh well. The door creaked open and a gigantic figure popped it's head out from behind it.

"Well 'ello what brings you here" she boomed.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you that I saw a weird silver liquid on the ground, I think it's unicorn blood but I can't be to sure." I stated.

"Unicorn blood eh. I'll take a look tonight." He beamed.

"Oh well um, thankyou" I hummed.

I still didn't want to go back to the school in case Draco was waiting for me. I decided to go and take a walk around the black lake. It was very peaceful, birds where chirping and you could hear the water in the lake running.

I looked a bit in front if me to see something lying on the floor. It was a raven, still alive with a missing wing and little feathers. There was blood spilling out the wounds and it was making painful sounds.

"Aw you poor thing" I sighed." I don't know how to help you, your injuries are very serious."

I could tell the bird was not going to live.

"Here I'll make it better, I can't leave you suffering". I quietly said.

I had never used one of the unforgivable curses but I often heard my parents using them.

"I promise it'll be okay" I smiled.

And with that I slowly took out my wand.

"Have a good rest." I whispered.

"Avada kadarva"

The bird went silent and still. I sighed picking it up in my scarf and walking to a tree. I dug a small hole and buried the bird.

Even though I had just used one of the unforgivable curses I didn't feel guilty, I felt like I had helped a needing soul and given peace to them.

It had been a few hours since I stormed out if the castle. I decided it would probably be a good time to head back to the common room.

I tried to not have anyone notice me, especially Pansy or Draco. Unlike animals, people I hated. They where just so loud, lazy and obnoxious. As I tried to walk to the common room i felt like I was being drowned by noises.

I finally made it to the painting which protected the slytherin common room.


"Pureblood" I chanted.

The painting swung open to reveal the cold room. I started to walk directly to my room not breaking eye contact with the door. Until


Oh great.

"What do you want Malfoy" I sighed.

I turned around to meet his red puffy eyes.

"Have you been crying"

"Please forgive me, I didn't know the reason Pansy was hanging out with me was to make you angry" he pleaded.

"You knew I didn't like her Drak" I I said aggresivly.

"I know I was just so blind to hangout with her" he said, his head hanging low.

I felt terrible, I could tell he was actually sorry. I walked back down the stairs towards Draco. I held out my arms which he quickly ran into. He began to cry.

"I'm so sorry I don't know what i would of done without you" he sobbed, burying his head in my hair.

"Shh, shhh it okay" I whispered brushing his hair out his face.

We stood there for a while just embracing each other. Draco was crying quite a bit so it took some time to get him to call down. We where sitting on the couch his head in my lap as he laid down.

"Y/N" he hummed

"Yeah" I sighed

"You know you mean a lot to me right" she whispered.

"I know" I smiled.

I don't remeber anything after, I must of fallen asleep.


(A/N) thankyou for reading this chapter. How do you think Y/N should react to Pansy. Tell me in the comments. 😁

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