On My Way! (Tamaki Amajiki x Pregnant! Reader)

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Finishing off your 2nd bag of dill pickle chips in 3 days, you crumble the bag up and levitate it over to your small black trash can.
You had a doctors appointment yesterday for your baby, in which he told you they would be born within the next 3-5 days. This left both you, and your husband Tamaki, in an anxiety induced state. He has been working extra, lately. Constantly out on patrol. This wasn't odd for you, but truly, it hurt your feelings. This was an important time with lots of suspense, you needed him.

Turning yourself back to the TV, a sudden thought of him rushes to your head. 'Where is he?' 'Has he been hurt?'
He often said you were head-strong, and a natural born leader. Although he never really saw the soft side of you unless you two were alone.
To all the other heroes, you were a strong and confident woman. Never making mistakes, always looking out. The pregnancy took everyone by shock, seen how you all had only been married a year, and you were both 23.

You wanted it, though, and so did he. The night you took the pregnancy test, his anxiety blew through the roof. Yet when it was positive, a feeling washed over both of you of calm.
The baby was of concern to the doctors, though. Your quirk was truly unidentifiable, but maybe one if the strongest there was.

With a snap a whole group of people could turn to dust, as if they never existed. When your anger was out of control, you'd go blind and only special goggles could mend your vision.
There was no question, your child would definitely be interesting.

Now standing up, you push yourself off of the the grey-felt like couch. Your footsteps carried heavy across the flat floor as you scooted over to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Afterall, Tamaki had been gone a long time, so there was no need to stay awake all night once again.
You pressed 'start' on the boiler and walked away to the living room, where you leaned over to pick up your shoes and take them to the rack across the flat.

Once back in the kitchen, you poured the hot water into a small mug your father had gotten you for your engagement party. The feeling when you picked it up reminded you of childhood, where your dads mugs sat in their own special cabinet.
On your way over to the tea bags, your pants caught on the handle of a drawer and you tripped to your knees, spilling the hot water down your chest.

"Fuck.." The hot water hurt so badly you gripped the side of the counter, cracking the surface. Then, liquid spurted down your leg. Hot, it hurt and you widened your eyes. Was this it? Did your water just break?
You leaned down to take a look when the first contraction began. The pain was immense, coursing your whole body. Your phone was sitting on your nightstand, so you began to crawl to it. You had to call him. You couldn't do this alone.

Just then, another contraction started. The pain was so much, too much.
"TAMAKI! HELP ME!" The loud sound you made cooed through the building, breaking a sound barrier and hurting your own ears. Hot, steamy tears were piling down your face as you stood to your feet and grabbed your phone. Then, heading and grabbing your purse.
You waddled out, looking awful. You were in tights, a hoodie, and you had slipped on your white vans. This truly was was awful. Everyone looked at you down the hallway to the opening doors of the building, until you opened them and walked to your car.

The pain was almost too much to carry on with, but the hospital was only a few blocks away.
You pressed 'Call Hubby' on your short cut list. He quickly answered, "Yes dear?"
Your throat caught in pain, crying out while navigating the way. "The baby..now! They're coming now!"
His gasp was loud, echoing through the streets on he speaker of your car. "I'll be there soon, I-i love you bunny!" 'beep beep beep'

Now parking, you rushed into the hospital and checked in quickly. Being escorted by the nurses on a cot, you panicked realizing he wasn't here. The nurse lifted you up soothingly, shooing the epidural into your back. You screamed, grabbing the sides of the cot and twisting the metal into an 's' shape.
The nurses left to get what you assumed were supplies, and the door popped open.
"B-bunny? Are you okay?" Your husband's words hit smoothly, he ran over and took ahold of your sweaty hand. You were almost embarrassed from looking the way you did, laying back without another contraction.

"Yes I'm alright, where were you?" He smiled and pointed to the emergency bag sitting in the corner.
"I-I assumed you left it, considering your state when you called.." He sat his hand on your head and gave your sweaty forehead a supple kiss.


After 3 hours of non-stop pushing an contractions, you felt it. Your child. The doctor smiled and so did Tamaki, tears flooding from both of your eyes.
"A beautiful baby boy he is!" the doctors voice boomed. In the dazed condition you were in, you grinned widely.
The doctor handed him to you, along with the files to Tamaki. His large hand came down to the child's forehead, grazing it sweetly and giggling.
"Did you decide on the name today?"

With a grin, you touched your son's hand gently. "His name is Sunny. Sunny Amajiki."
You both smiled sweetly at the grinning boy, so innocent and new. Tamaki took your hand into his and kissed you, "What a family, bunny."

Sorry this was sooo much if you didnt like it you can say so!
994 words

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