Icy-hot. (Todoroki x Reader)

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Hey guys! Fem reader <3 love yall

"Oh my God it hurts!" You yelled over to the kitchen, where your best friend was. He decided to make noodles for the both of you, since you had started your period.
He giggled a little and cooed, "You're a funny lady, y/n." You rolled your eyes at this, squirming on the couch.
He laughed a little more, bringing the prepared noodles over to the living-area and sitting them on the table.

His hand came down, touching your forehead softly. Your blush grew bright at this. "You feel fine, calm down!" He smiled.
Rolling over to face him completely, a tug pulled at your pants.
"Marco.." The puppy was pulling, begging to be pet. You just laughed, picking him up and sitting him on the opposite side of the couch.

Todoroki sat down next to you, petting your head. "I hope you enjoy the noodles, I made them special."
You grinned, nudging him with your elbow. "Thank you sir." This was meant to be sarcastic, but it made him blush. You looked back to the noodles, pinching them together and taking a bite.
"Oh gosh! They're delicious!" He smiled, "Thank you."

The silence ached between you two, up until you started to feel that pain once more. Your cramps hurt so bad you felt as if your body would crack. He held your shoulder, "Are you okay?"
You smiled and looked up to him, nodding. The pain soothed soon, calming to nothing after a while.

"Y-y/n..I think I can help you with your pain." He said, sitting his bowl down, and grabbing yours. You looked away and blushed softly. "How..?"
His eyes lit up, pulling his left hand from his pocket. "Pull your shirt up a little, please."
You were hesitant, but agreed. He then took his hand, lying it on the area where the pain was. Within seconds, you felt a slight heat, the pain was elevated away, and you relaxed your head back. He was blushing hard, looking down and away the whole time his hand sat so close to your private area.

You looked up to him, "Todoroki..Do you, I don't know..Like me?"
His hand pulled away, now against his other arm. Still in a deep blush, he looked to you slowly. "W-what if I do..?"
"Well then, I may just have to kiss you." He jolted up and you blushed too, matching his. He smiled though, reaching for your pinky with his and holding it.
You then reached out for his face, pulling it into yours, and kissing his lips softly.

You both blushed and pushed your foreheads together. "Hey..Todo?" He looked to your eyes.
"Can I have your hand back.." He smiled and pushed it softly against your skin, soothing you once more, and petting your hair.
I think I have feelings for this boy..

I'm not very good with fluff, I apologize. I may do a girl x Reader next for all you lady lovers! (whoever's reading this, no one as of right now) xxx

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