The Ghost of You Pt.2 (Levi x Reader)

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as you can tell this is different than the first part and will be a time skip continuation/update on your life. I tried hinting there would be a part 2.

My callused hands traced over the wooden rail of the house I had become so comfortable in. Today was the 2 year anniversary of my lovers death, Hanji Zoe. I had mourned them properly, let go, and started the chapter they so desperately wished me to after they left.
After dying, Captain Levi was there to comfort me. He held me whilst crying, sobbing into him. Letting me mourn with him, spend all my time in his office.

I would sit in there while he did paper work, cook him dinner, and even read him books from time to time. We bonded, and eventually, fell in love.
I had guilt at first, for letting my lovers memory slip, but Levi understood. He let me hang a picture of them up to keep the memory I stood so proudly beneath.

We had been an item for over a year now. That was insane to think someone who was once so cold, had grown so warm to me. At first I wouldn't let him take pity on me- I wanted to prove I was strong. As time went on, though, I slowly let my walls break and opened up to him.
He did so, too. He would tell me stories about his life before the Scouts. We would reminisce on it while sitting at his desk. I loved to hear him talk, it wasn't often outside of his office doors you heard his voice.

Now, walking down the halls of our own home, I sighed at the memory. After the battle I wasn't the only one who needed comfort. Levi would wake up crying, calling for me in the middle of the night. One day he broke down out of the blue, only for me to discover it was because he felt ugly. He once asked if I could ever love him after being so scarred, and terrified. He felt disfigured. I laughed to this, though.

I walked into the living room where he sat comfortably on the loveseat, reading one of the many books we had on our shelves. Seeing him made me smile.
I walked to him, running my hand in his hair, just to touch him. The action caused him to tense, then loosen.
"Dear, w-would you want to go on a date tonight?" He asked, flipping the page of his book and peering up to me.

Considering, I shot, "Yes! That would be lovely." I smiled. He nodded, grabbing the cup sitting on the table and taking a long sip of tea.
"Should I get ready now, then?" I asked, walking around to be in front of him. He nodded once more, sitting the cup back down. My figure swayed away with excitement. Levi only ever took me on dates when he had news, that or he had done something stupid and wanted to kiss up. Either way, I got food.

Digging into my small closet, I reached around for the nicest dress I had. Long, red, and elegant. The back was out and replaced with a golden- sheer fabric. Hanji adored this dress, but I never got to wear it for them.
Lying the material down, I sighed, taking myself to the mirror. There was no way to enhance my appearance other than a couple lotions, which I used. Then, I pinned my hair away from my face. Walking over to the bed, I took off my gown and slipped into the beautiful dress. Surely, Levi would find it appealing. He wasn't much for compliments- or even really noticing anything at all. It always bothered me how he never tried to compliment be, but became jealous when someone else did.

Then I realized his compliments came in making me tea, reading to me, and making dinner. Cleaning my room, as well.
Taking to the mirror, I peered. The dress fit me well, making every inch of my figure look better than the last. I enjoyed this, other then the exposed parts where you could see my battle scars. Levi didn't care, though, for obvious reasons. He didn't care for any of my flaws, in facts he hated that word with a passion.

Hesitantly, I walked into the living room, where Levi had been standing. He was turned to the window, but felt my presence and turned around.
"Are you ready to go?" I asked, watching his eyes bob up and down my appearance. He nodded 'yes' and walked toward me, caressing my arm with his hand. He then realized it was his disfigured hand, jerking away quickly.

I scoffed, scooping the hand back up and kissing the back of it gently. He wiped the kiss away, but I believe he appreciated it.
We walked out to the carriage and made our way to the restaurant.

Entering, the place was beautiful. Golden light fixtures, beautiful cobblestone walls, exactly how I loved it. I smiled all the way to our seats.
Levi was awkward the entire time, pushing his thumbs together, which he only did when nervous. This made me think there was something more than the regular secret to tell me. I swept that thought away and began to order my food.

Soon, Levi would interrupt me.
"(Y/n) you're so.."
What he was actually trying to say was that I was his perfect match, leveled to him in every way. He appreciated me, and I was good at cleaning.
"..And I'm so.."
This meant he was undeserving of me, unwilling to believe we actually matched as I did. He wanted to say his disfiguration made him unlovable and he was unsure why I felt any emotion at all.

"What I'm trying to say is.." He then got up, over the table where our plates laid nice and stacked ready for the waiter to take them away. My eyebrow cocked watching this action, as he kneeled down. My heart began to race. He knew I knew, and he knew everyone was watching him- which made him nervous beyond belief.
Pulling out a tiny black box, he opened it, revealing a beautiful silver ring, with a band as well.

My eyes pooled with tears, welling over the brims. He took the ring, looking up to me.
"Would you d-do me the honor of being my wife?" He asked, hand out, waiting for mine. I sat, shocked, crying. Quickly I nodded yes and pushed my hand forward. He was hesitant because I had just eaten, but knew I cleaned my hands thoroughly after each meal so he could touch me.
The rings were on when he stood up, as did I, taking him into my warm embrace. How long I had waited for a forever love.

5 years later, here we are. One child, her name is Zoe. Of course I named her after my lost love, and his lost friend. He agreed easily to this before I gave the painful-scarring birth.
We now lived in a military manner which be had been awarded for our many years in the service, protecting the walls we no longer needed. Levi and I had a late start in life, but it was all worth it.
Our daughter was beautiful, and strong, a combination of both of us. He wanted to give her a life he never had as a child, so he treated her like a princess every hour of every day. She was only 3, but so- so energetic, curious, and determined. Just as Hanji was. I loved her with every fiber of my being.

Ask for Levi and I, he grew stronger. Out of habits he once had forever. I'm 35 and him 41, making us just a little over midlife. He had finally started wearing his emotions, to me at least, and grew much closer with all his loved ones.
Still, resting in the corridor of our home, was a picture. Under it was a plaque that read:

"Hanji Zoe served bravely, protecting and sacrificing for their comrades. The solider was dedicated, strong, and served well."

word count: 1370

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