Virgin Lips. (Armin x Reader)

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i'm on a little bit of an Armin kick rn, I promise I'll switch up the characters soon
also please tell me if I make mistakes, I tend to space out while writing

Sweet, soft, and supple. That was my thought while touching the pastry before me. Sweet things within the walls were rare to find, especially nowadays.
Picking it up, I put it in my bag and began to checkout.

Today was the only day we've had a free day in weeks from HQ. We've been training non-stop, but a break was inevitable.
Cadets were tired of each other and tired of being confined. For my day, I chose to come to central town and visit the Market. Alone, of course, as I always am.

After purchasing the sweet, I stuffed it away into my bag- then began my way to my favorite book store.
I love to read books about romance; I've never experienced myself. I guess men were afraid of my demeanor. I don't like people, and you could probably tell that from the moment you see me. Why should I? People are liars, back stabbing anything and everything they can. They're awful.

I pushed open the door now, smelling the fresh air of books hit my nose. The smell always reminded me of my father's study as a child.
I grinned to no one but myself as I moved along the shelves, searching for a book that would fit perfectly along my already over-stuffed shelf. Passing along the isles, blonde hair caught my eye.

I backed up to the isle I had previously passed up, only to see Cadet Armin Arlert sitting in the floor, curled into a ball. He wasn't reading, only gripping his knees with brutal force.
I raised my eyebrows and made my way over to him, crouching floor-level as well.
"Armin?" I tried to fake a softness I had never used before in my voice, I didn't want to scare him.

His eyes frantically shot up to me, then quickly shot back down to the wooden floor. It didnt seem like there would be an answer, so I crouched down completely with him.
"Are you okay?" Normally I wouldn't have said anything, much less even noticed. Armin had been looking at me, though, with eyes of desperation.

"D-do you think we'll ever make it out of the walls?" He spoke, voice broken.
"Armin!" I quickly reached down and plucked him up, rushing outside and into the alleyway that resided beside the book store. He posted up against the wall, gripping his arms and looking away from me. I could tell he thought I was mad with him. This caused me to sigh.

I placed a hand carefully on top of his head, "I do. Because we need to. For us." He looked up to me, a gleam of hope resting in his eyes.
In this moment, I observed him. Blonde hair, beautiful eyes, clear skin, things that I had never noticed about him.
A blush painted my face, quickly jerking my head away to keep him from seeing it. He smiled and looked to me.

"I want to see the ocean, (y/n). It's a big body of water not far outside the walls, big enough for all of us times a million." His voice had been filled with such hope, such care. I giggled a little, forgetting my embarrassment. "One day, Armin."

That day had come.
Riding horseback, we travelled far and wide to the edge of the land, which no one had ever seen here before. It was beautiful, the land was completely open, triple the size I had believed it to be all of my life.

We rounded a corner when I saw the turquoise eyes of Eren widen, and so I got off my horse and walked the corner round.
What I saw completely shocked me.

Armin had been correct.

Blue, beautiful, and large it was. As wide as the eye could see, a body of water laid out before us. I watched as Armin looked back to me, reaching out for my hand and dragging me down the side of the dirt hill.
I couldn't breathe; Walls, this was so amazing. An entirely different future lied beneath our feet, and we had no clue.

He quickly popped off his boots, then peered up to me, "(Y/n)! Come in with me! Please." He spoke with need.
"Just be careful, brats. We can't afford any more causalities." Levi shouted from atop the hill, which everyone had still been on, attempting to get our horses down to the odd textured dirt like substance under our feet.
I smiled now, shoeless. Armin's eyes lit up as he dragged me to the ocean, leaning upon my shoulder. He smelled more musky than he had as children.

He looked down and caught me staring, making my head jerk away and my heart beat quicken.
Then, he pulled me closer, hugging me. We stayed this way, viewing the endless blue that was before us.

I turned up to him, looking him directly in the face, so close from where I had been.
I could feel the eyes of our superiors ahead of us, burning through my soul.
Time seemed lost in this moment as Armin and I made isolated eye contact, only looking into the unknown of each other.

"I-Is it not beautiful?" I asked, taking my gaze down to the water that rested below us.
My gaze was once again ripped as Armin pushed my jaw up with his fingers, forcing us into eye contact once more.
"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

I would have blushed had it not been for his lips that found mine. He pulled me up, kissing me softly, holding the small of my back. My hands loosened and found their way into his hair with a wide grin plastered on my face.
When pulling away, the emptiness was no longer there. Only Armin. Only us.

word count: 1005

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