Like a Fallen Angel (Levi x Reader)

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Cascading through the pews, you searched isles for what seemed days. Weeks. Months. Searching for something that would never be apparent.
Nevermore, you made your way gracefully through to the coffin that was resting at the front of the dark-oak pews. A sudden wall of grief blanketed over you, shallow, it pooled around your shoes.

Hanji and Erwin were both there with you, standing farther back from you. At any second you knew you that you could fall into the floor- crumble like dust. A belief began to fall over you, feeling they knew that as well.
Despite the scene carrying dark undertones, a feeling of relief washed over when you caught eyes on the body lying in the plush casket. Resting so beautifully was your husband, Levi.

Only 3 days ago he had fallen from the shoulder of a titan, meeting his untimely end at the bottom when his ODM gear ran out of gas.
The aching of your heart was fair, but you knew in the next life Levi would never have to carry the grief he does now. Never would he have to know his friends died in his face, under his watch, no guilt endlessly dripping down his shoulders and over his entire body. No more pain.

Still, these thoughts made you sad. You would never be able to hold your lover again. To see his small smirk, feel his strong- warm arms over your own. The ring was tight on your finger, forever staying. No matter the cost, the pain, the changes. You were forever his. In death and life.
Reaching into the coffin, your hand touched his skin. You gasped at the cold contact, almost like glass in the winter. No longer the warm man he was.
Your hand trailed down, fixing his tie and pushing the hair from his eyes.

Tears fell silently, looking down to your soulmate. If only there was more time, time to show love. To show passion and caring that you never were able to express in full.
Your eyes met his lids, closed in peace. He had a trace of a smile on his face, as if death had brought happiness to him. It had taken away the insufferable reality you both lived everyday.

No longer able to take it, you leaned to his cold skin, kissing his forehead in simplicity. Your tears touched his skin, falling down over his face and into the coffin pillow beneath him. You smiled, even giggling a little. If he was happy, then, so were you.

It had been two months since the passing of your lover. You visited his grave annually once a day, bringing a single flower each time and resting it gently. He had been buried in a tomb, a single space open for your death next to his.
Your fingers now traced his name in the cold stone, every inch of skin dipping into the beautifully carved letters.
"Levi Ackerman, humanities greatest, husband of (y/n) (l/n)"

You kneeled down, tearing up, and clenching your heart. This had been miserable. Not leaving his bed, smelling his clothes. You kept his cologne close, smelling the scent from the bottle- too afraid to spray and lose some of him. You wore his clothes to bed, slept on his side- and even forced yourself to drink black tea once a day like you did with him.
Sitting in his office seat was your favorite, you felt at home here, always. Although your office had been bare- collecting dust for months, you would never part from this place.

In a fit of sadness, you stood up from the grave. The tears flowed heavily as you began to run into the building, passing everyone. No one questioned their Captain running and crying, they all knew.
You soon made it to his office, hinging open the door and falling loosely into the floor.
You held yourself tightly, sobbing quietly into his jacket you had been covered in for days, scared you would lose memories of him if you took it off. The composure was slowly cracking.

Running your nimble fingers softly through your hair, the matted tears and all, you sighed. Beginning to rest yourself against the wall, you peeked over to his desk, where his letter opener sat comfortably.
An idea sparked, causing you to look out the window to your lovers resting place. The pain you held so close, the heart ache, never ending.
Your cadets, subordinates, leaders, lover- all gone. Forever. Taken away. Some part of you wanted to save humanity, proving their deaths to be worth something.

You knew deep down, though, the pain you carry like a satchel across your back was too much to bare. You were skinner from lack of eating, and crying.
Without a care you stood up, walking over to the sharp letter opener, eyeing it closely. Who would stop you? Why should you care? You had sacrificed everything, your heart had given out- nothing more left to give. You didn't even know if battling was possible at this point, even with your anger for titans growing exponentially.

Picking up the opener, you held your wrist out. Thinking it over, you looked to Levi's chair. What would he do if he saw you like this? So desperate, crying, ready to leave reality. Ready to stop.
He would probably call you a brat and hold you closely. You wanted that again, even unsure of the afterlife- it was worth it. All of it was worth it.
You began to cut vertically, a long stripe down your wrist. You winced and lost feeling soon, watching your own blood stain Levi's sleeve and floor. Then, reaching over again, you cut firmly down the other wrist.

This time you lost footing, tripping into the floor and bashing your head onto the book shelf you all had set up so perfectly together. Everything went black, soon, reality fading into darkness.
When awakened, you were met with a gentle bright light, your eyes adjusting accordingly.
There it was. Levi.
His face when seeing you was nothing less than petrified, walking toward you in disbelief.

His hand covered his opened mouth, reaching out to touch you. As soon as he did, you fell into each other. His warm skin pressed agaisnt you, the feeling of love showering over your entire self, nothing less- nothing more.
"Why are you here? What happened?" Levi sounded worried, checking to make sure this wasn't all some crazy delusion.
You blushed, embarrassed to tell him what you had done. He pushed his eyebrows together, knitting them and looking at you in utter worry.

He then nodded, petting your head.
"I see, love." His words felt like a warm bath, coating your skin in his scent, so real. The coldness of the ring over his finger meeting your own. This felt right.
Looking past Levi, you saw both Hanji and Erwin, who smiled and waved to you.
You had felt their presence at his funeral, but never turned to look. Too scared they would disappear, seeing now, they weren't.

"Levi Ackerman, I made a promise. Even death wouldn't due us part, and I kept it in my dying breath." You spoke, kissing his knuckles one-by-one. He scoffed, "I love you, brat," He completed, kissing your forehead softly.
"Let's go home!" A thrilled Hanji shouted, Erwin giving her an eye roll to this.
You chuckled, holding Levi's warm hand, taking in the reality you had so desperately been hoping for. Finally, peace.
Your feet padded together, walking along the white surface.

Hanji and Erwin trailed just above you, smiling and skipping she was. You only smiled back, tilting your head. Your old team, old friends, together once again. Whether it be in one lifetime or another, Levi was your soulmate, and this was home. This was- love.

this took sooo long, hope you love it.
word count: 1330 words

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