The Cold. (Eren x Reader)

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hello my lovely readers :) this one is a bit spicy and short

Looking outside, my mind wonders. Where could Eren be? It was definitely below freezing, and he went out over an hour ago. My worry was starting to get to me.
I walked over to the fire, now, sparking the flame in our chimney to heat up the home I let get too cold.

Then, I head to the kitchen. The air was almost still in the cold, my body shivering uncontrollably. How had the cold front taken this quick?
I start the water boiling process for tea, I felt like black tea would be best for Eren. There is no way he hasn't caught a cold. I fret he's in danger, and soon, if not now- I would have to go looking for him.

Worriedly, I sat into my chair and began the last loops of the blanket I had spent so long making just for him. We had been here since Spring, two different rooms, a kitchen, bath, and living room. To my surprise we had only been friends- although admittedly, I wanted more. More from him, for us. I could never tell how he feels though.
The clock hit 9pm, and I decided to lie down, resting for the trip I would take to find him in the morning. The only reason I wouldn't go now is so I don't die looking for him.

After what felt like 30 minutes, I heard the front door bust open. Jolting up, I widened my eyes. Was it Eren? Or something- someone more sinister. I stayed in bed and waited 5 minutes before I heard footsteps creeping to my door.
My anxiety was high, all of my knives were in the shed outside from this morning when I had sharpened them, so there was no way to defend myself other than hand to hand combat.

I looked over the tip of my covers, only to see a shivering Eren in his long johns. He seemed to think I was asleep, because then he walked over to my bed. He looked and felt cold, the candle in his trey was vibrating as well.
I opened the covers and he looked at me, desperately. My mouth was agape, realizing what he had been through just to go to the market today. Only for dinner, which I didn't get to eat anyways.

"(y/n) i-im so c-cold, please.." He spoke gently, crawling into my bed. My body and face was hot in blush, letting him crawl into the blanket with me. We both sat in silence for a moment.
To break it, he reached around my waist, causing me to gasp. He was as cold as ice, shivering sweetly and gripping me tightly. I sighed, realizing what I would need to do for him.

Leading his hand, I pushed it up against the warmth of my bare breast beneath my gown, his mouth falling open. We both knew why, though. He squeezed a little, making a noise slip from my wet lips.
I then wrapped my thighs around his waist and pulled him closer, face to face, letting him feel my breath, hot and steamy.
We were so close, and warm now. Like we had done this before. He then leaned closer, our lips so close- grazing.
That was it for me, I couldn't take it anymore.

I pushed myself forward, kissing his lips softly and sweetly, letting the cold of his mouth flood the heat of my own. I knew I tasted of black tea, enticing him to kiss deeper.
Eren's hips thrusted deeply, needly toward me. Like he wanted more, like he knew the heat would drive him back to a normal temperature. I blushed at the suggestion and crawled on top under the covers, rubbing myself against him for friction heat.

He sighed loudly, kissing me sloppily and brushing his hands on every inch of my bare body, where his touched. I pressed my hands against every cold spot, letting his breath relax and feeling his eyes burn into my body. This is what I had wanted for so, so long. Eren, and nothing but.

I didn't wanna edit this so if there are mistakes I apologize
word count: 712

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