Feisty. (Kyo x Reader)

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if you didnt know, Kyo Sohma is from fruits basket and is pictured above. he is the zodiac cat! anyways ♡

"Oh! My feet are barking!" Arisa snapped to me, sitting down on the bench beneath her. I cracked a smile to her, "They're only high heels! Grow up dummy."
She let out a play offended gasp and stood, so we continued our walk. We are on our way to City Noodle, where she set a double date. I had no clue who my date would be, though. She told me to trust her.

Now at the foot of the building, my intestines retaliated against me. What would I do if he found me ugly? Fat? Anything other than beauty.
I was quickly snapped from my worries by Arisa pushing me through the doors and into the lobby. "You've got to quit worrying little (y/n). Even if he despises you, his loss!"

I shook my head as we requested our table name. Before we could even be taken, though, a loud voice boomed through the dining area. When tracing the sound, I was lead to an orange haired boy. He had been screaming Arisa's name. This made me nearly regret coming. She then waved him down, walking us over to the table.
Arriving, she bowed, and took my hand. "Kyo, this is (y/n)." She smiled brightly, sitting us down.

"O-oh, well. Hi then." He spoke. I examined his body, tall seeming, and fit. He looked lean and had lines on his forehead that clearly showed intense amounts of anger.
"Hello, tell me about yourself, Kyo." I spoke softly, trying to be nice seeming.
His eyebrows raised as his eyes trailed down to his menu.
"Well I'm a 3rd year, I like the color orange, my favorite animal is a cat- which is ironic because I'm the year of the ca-"

My ears shot, "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! It's just..the year of the cat is my favorite! I am the year as well." My insistent rambling bored him quickly. He nodded though, and smiled. "Tell me about yourself, then,"
I let my eyes travel around, trying to muster what I would say.
"I love books, tea, and articles..my favorite color is (f/c), I enjoy fashion a lot. I have a huge thing about smells for some reason, and I'm also a 3rd year."

He nodded to all of this as we were served our food.

The date had come to an end, now, and I didn't believe Kyo was very interested in me. We had talked a lot, but his responses were less than adequate. He also called me 'short stuff', which I didn't enjoy.
Exiting the restaurant, we all stood.
"That was fantastic!" Arisa's girlfriend shot, taking her hand into her own. I awkwardly smiled.
"I hope you two had a good time, goodnight!" She spoke, both of them walking away, probably to her apartment. This left only two.

Kyo and I stood awkwardly.
"Do you like me?" I ask, tired of the pointless waiting. He stood up straight, but his eyes remained on the ground like glue.
"I-I think, maybe."
I blushed to his statement. Perhaps I had completely misjudged his forthcoming. Maybe I just hadn't wanted to see it.
Again we were left in silence. I really liked him, truly. He was kind all night and had attitude when he needed it. I could tell he was lovingly playful, which I didn't mind.

I looked up to him. "Well, goodn-" Without a flow of wind between us, I shot a hug to him, hoping- begging I wouldn't transform.
When I didn't, the shock sat in between us.
Previously I had mentioned I'm the year of the cat, which was a lie, because I'm the year of the rabbit. Unfortunately I was cursed into this, so now with the embrace of another human- my physical form would conform into, well, a bunny.
The only time it wouldn't change is when you hugged another member of the Zodiac, but to be completely honest I was shocked.

He stood still, slowly bringing his arms up and around me. "So..long..it's been so long since I have felt the embrace of another." He cooed out to me, not seeming to remember the fact he shouldn't have been able to embrace me- nor I him.
We stood like this. "I-Im sorry I didn't tell you." He seethed a little into the cold air that surrounded us.
We both stood a little longer until I pulled back, looking into his eyes.

"I'm the rabbit." I spoke, clearly. His eyes widened a bit looking down to my own, but we sat still. Comfortable silence.
He then took my hand into his own, "I'm the cat. I know, embarrassing. No one wants to be around the cat, and if you-"
"Stop!" I spoke over him, now angry.
"The year of the cat is my favorite!"

His eyes widened and then dilated looking down to me once more.
"You're so kind."
Our bond formed quickly, the tether of this curse pulling us at rates that normal humans would have gasped at. His hand sat atop my head and noogied me. Perhaps, just maybe, I had found my one.

my apologies if this was ass, I just felt like word vomiting
word count: 895

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