Forest. (Sugawara x Reader)

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Ever since you could remember, you liked your neighbor. His name had been Sugawara Koushi. You all would go into the woods across from your house and play for hours, endlessly.
One day, though, he stopped coming. You continued to, for years- actually. Each time you'd visit your mother you'd go into the forest, a token to your friendship. Your first, and only real friendship.

After your mother died and you took her estate, of course it being in her will, you still looked out to the forest.
On this particular day you had looked out and saw a rather large figure- large meaning bigger than a child- standing outside of the edge, staring into the vast forest.
You decided to check it out, putting on your shoes by the door as well as a rain coat and umbrella.

The hope that tinged itself in your chest grew as you made it over to the figure, closer and closer to he edge of the forest.

Once there, the figure had disappeared, right out of your reach. You sighed and kicked the ground a little, upset you had foolishly let your hopes grow for a person that could well be over seas, or who knows where.
"What did the ground do to you?" A voice shot out behind you, causing you to jump. Turning around you are met with a taller man, with grey hair, yet he only looked 18 or so. About a year older than you.

Grinning a little and looking out into the distance once more, you spoke, "Ah, nothing! I just thought I saw an old friend, guess I'm crazy. I mean I'm not crazy! Oh, gosh, I'm sorry!" Your words fell out like vomit, containing to embarrass yourself further. He watched as your face grew red, the smile on his face growing each time you nervously laughed.
You both smiled into the silence.

"(F/N), right?" He asked, shoving his hands nimbly into his coat pockets. Your eyes seemed to sparkle hearing him say that, "Yes, how'd you know?" He laughed at your question and simply pointed to the house your old friend used to live in.
The two clicked in an instant, making you jump. "S-SUGAWARA, SUGAWARA KOUSHI?" Your voice echoed, his eyes becoming wide. "That'd be me."

Suddenly, without warning, you jumped onto him. Hugging him tightly, you felt his body heat rise, telling you he was embarrassed. Yet, somehow, his arms snaked around you, pulling you into the hug tighter.
"Where did you go?" You asked, looking up to him. His arms were still wrapped around you tightly. "We moved to the other side of town, I never got to tell you. I'm so, so sorry. I've missed you all this time."

You nodded, wrapping your arms around his waist in return. He then nuzzled into your hair, smiling.
"I missed you too, Koushi-senpai." He chuckled a bit. "Please, call me Koushi."
You nodded, pulling out of the hug, and looking up to his eyes.

You all seemed to lock into contact seamlessly, fondling one and others eyes, searching for the time you had seemingly lost.
"You want to come into my house?" You spoke, with hope. He looked over to the cute house, then back to you. "Yes please, it's cold."

Once into the house, he took of his jacket, revealing a light pink cardigan over a pale yellow shirt. You observed him closely, he looked nearly the same, but at the same time- totally different.
"Would you like coffee?" You asked, heading over to the pot. He nodded, walking into the kitchen with you.

Pouring two cups, he giggled. You looked with question to him, "The froggy cup, it's cute." He said, looking down to it.
You blushed then passed that same mug to him. Happily he sipped on the hot coffee, making an 'mmm' sound.
Looking up, you caught his eyes already on you, making you look away. Then, he took your hand into his, softly.

Your breath hitched at his cold touch, then relaxed, giving him your own warmth.
"I've missed you so, so much. I'll never leave again, I swear."

word count: 697

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