Crimson. (Chrollo x Reader)

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I'm sorry I made the reader feminine most of the time! it's so hard to write for males because, well- I'm not one. anyways, enjoy!

Elegantly running your nimble fingers along the railing to your office hallway, you let out a brief sigh. Many times, over and over, you came down this hall with ease. After last week, though, the aura changed.
Most of your crew was wiped out in a heist, none more than low-level workers, but you still felt for them.
Your grief was heavy and anger hot, but you trusted the inner instincts to forgive the past.

The walls to your office were a dark shade of crimson, and all woodwork black. The design was made by you and executed by top level designers.
Travelling softly over to your closet that resides within the back half, that was separated by a wall and door, you began to look. Your fingers crossed every article, feeling the textures and analyzing the colors. Today you had a meeting with someone who had resided under the title "unknown" when scheduling. Normally, no one would have let that happen- but your desk worker let it slide when he heard the voice of the- what he assumes to be- female over the phone.

Quickly, you laid a dress over the chair. Beautiful, black, and elegant it was. The back was also open, exposing the spider tattoo you had gotten when you were merely 13, under the hand of a friend you once loved and adored.
You didn't mind it, though. He had left long ago, and now in your 20s- probably couldn't pick you out of a lineup. Sighing, you threw the tight dress on. It looked gorgeous- black, skin tight, a beautiful train running down the tail, and the back perfectly exposing your tattoo. The sleeves were sheer and went forearm length.

This was the classiest you had looked in a while, all worth it for the presentation, though. Your hair was pinned back, letting the natural beauty show all the way down to the parting of your breasts, where another tattoo resides. Your breasts were nearly exposed, the peak of the opening only stopping at your stomach. To keep this dress up was a mystery, but oh-so worth it.
Your intercom then turned on, "Ms. (l/n), your guest has arrived." Taylor, your assistant spoke softly. He hadn't gotten over any deaths thus far, but how could you blame him?

Cascading down, you clicked your tongue passing both libraries you had built when making this manner. Both were filled to the brim with books and such, untouched by the harmful light.
You then came into the corridor, fixing yourself accordingly, and listening to the 'click'  of your high heels pace the marbled floor. You looked around, making sure nothing was astray. It smelt of lavender and charred wood, just as you liked it to.

Opening the door, you are met with a surprise. Not a woman, as you had assumed, but a taller- pale man.
"Hello! May I ask your name and business?" You darted, swaying your hand for him to enter.
He took a second, looking around. While he did so, you soaked up his appearance. Carrying a book, a nice suit, tall and slim, handsome to say the least.

"Ch-" He began to turn and meet your gaze, seeing you in entirety. His mouth opened a little, while you turned to shut the door. You then turned to him, pushing your eyebrows together in confusion.
"Chrollo Lucilfer, I'm here for a meeting." You nodded.
"Right this way."

Leading him down the maze of halls, his eyes stuck to your back like glue, until you came past the libraries, where you felt it move away for only a second. He then stared daggers once again. Arriving at the office doors you looked to him, and him to you.
"So, where is your boss?" He cooed, looking around the hall. You laughed a little, causing him to cock and eyebrow and you. You simply sighed and opened the office doors, the smell of vanilla flooding the hallway.

"I am the boss."
You stated coldly, walking over to your desk. His breath hitched as he followed sitting across from you.
You both made eye contact for a while before he parted his lips, "So, may I ask your name then, boss?" Chrollo began, with a slight click to his tongue.
You smiled. "Yes. I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)."
Then, and only then, a spark lit in his eyes. He stood quickly, eyeing your every movement.

"M-my (y/n)?" His eyes were full of desperation, his book and hands hitting the table. You tilted your head in blissful confusion as he walked closer to you.
"Your back tattoo," He began; Lifting his sleeve to reveal the same ink. A gasped escaped your lips, causing his head to shake in conformation.
Standing, you ran to him, engulfed by his arms. He smelled like aged book and fine wine, his hands curling into your hair and softly touching you- as if you were to break.

"It's been so long" You whispered into his chest, him nodding in agreement. You could feel his salty tears on your head, but you didn't mind.
"8 years," He murmured, wiping the tears from your face, and you to his own. You both seethed in desperation and fulfillment. He taught you everything. Then left.

His eyes were apologetic as the silence became comfortable and the air heavy. You backed away, watching him take in your entire presence.
"You- you're a woman, now. Full grown. You are so much more beautiful than I ever imagined you to be," He spoke, taking your hands into his calloused ones. Nodding in agreement, he sighed.

"And you, so handsome." The words slipped, causing a blush to powder both of your cheeks. The air felt heavy and thick between you two, everything was so nice but overwhelming at once.
He closed the gap between you two, cupping your face into his hands and leaning down, for a kiss. You were hesitant, even being 21, you had never kissed a man in your life.
He continued, kissing you softly, holding you. You did the same for him, letting his hands roam all around, desperately.

Letting go for nothing but air, you both looked at each other in full.
"I missed you so much, Chrollo, please. Never leave again." It was odd to say that name, for he had never gone by it as a child. He chuckled. "Me too, so much." The gap was closed once more into a kiss, and nothing more. You felt happy, again. Whole.

very much cute
word count: 1123

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