Fuck You. (Defenseless! Todoroki x Reader)

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there is some vile language and mentions of harm and blood here. tw!

Walking down the steps to your next class, you hear a sound burst through both of your ears, piercing your ear drums. Nothing like anything you had heard. Quickly releasing your hands from your ears, you notice it's someone screaming.
Your natural instincts kick in, heading down the steps much faster this time.

Shooting glares around every corner until the end, you come to find nothing. A blank scene. This shocks you, however, you didn't want to use your quirk.
Starting to head back, you hear another scream, this time, a throaty one. A male, perhaps. You couldn't fight yourself from running that direction, your feet soon lifting off the ground and your wings carrying you into the air.
People in the commen area stared at you, the black wings speeding your body, hurdling yourself. Why was no one panicking?

Landing down in a new hallway for class 3A, you scoped around, checking every classroom. Nothing.
Finally you came to the last door, opening it slowly. Outside the door there was a black leak with a purple hue running over it, spilling onto the tiles.
You opened the door fully, seeing a sight that raised the hairs on the back of your neck.

Blood immediately boiling, you were met with the gaze of Dabi, who had Todoroki pinned to a wall, blood on his hands.
You watched, as your presence was unknown, Dabi pull your classmates hair, causing him to cry a little. You watched the scene wondering why he wouldn't use his quirk, when something tapped your foot. An empty syringe.
Leaning down and tucking yourself under a desk, you picked up the scary substance. The side of the bottle read something you couldn't understand, but with assumption, you figured this is why his quirk hadn't frozen the entire school.

Todoroki's cries of pain surged, causing a fire within to burn. You had caught feelings for him a long time ago, and to watch this sad- earthly seen, was horrific.
Standing up, the whites of your eyes pooled and took over what once were beautiful (e/c) ones. Your nose began to bleed as well, the red dripping down, warm on your cold face.
Bringing yourself behind the pair, you reached, not listening to a word they were speaking, only feeling rage.

You took Dabi by his hair, causing a fright to both the men. When you slammed his body to the ground, and looked him in the eyes, he smirked a little.
Todoroki fell weakly to the floor, watching this made you want to run to him. Hold him. Make it better.
Your face turned darkly back to the man in front of you, inching closer. He scooted away, now.
"May I ask who you are?" He seered, holding his head up meekly. I laughed a little, walking to him, closer. "I'm (y/n). Have you heard of the children's tail, Satan?" You begin, crushing his hand beneath your boot.

Todoroki had fallen into what you assumed was a sleep, holding himself tightly.
Dabi laughed. "Certainly."
Cooeing out, you smiled to him. "It's not a fairy tail." With these words, his eyes widened only a little, to see your form.
Hanging above the ground by your black wings, nose bleeding, eyes white, and arms covered in welts- welts made of scripture, you stood tall before him. Everything in you was coming out, to show him who you are.
You let yourself down while he cowered in fear, like a little girl. A child.

Your boots made grit against the tile while your legs carried you forward to the now terrified man, a laughter escaping your ever so plump lips.
Smashing the bottom of your shoe onto his cheek, you sighed, beginning.
"Listen you pathetic excuse for a villain. If I ever, ever, see you again. Whether that be on the street or on the battle ground, I'll fucking kill you. I'll murder you in cold blood, then, I'll laugh about it and go get some hot tea, got it?"
His head was pinned to the floor but shook ever so slightly. You dawned over to yourself, smiling slightly at the trembling man before you.

Jerking him up by his hair, you pursed your lips next to his ear, softy sitting them down on the burnt skin. He twitched, but helplessly knew his fire would only be a lighter flame compared to yours.
"You're a scum bag, and anything you do for the rest of your life will be garbage. Why? Because you're garbage," You continued, securing his hair into your hand once more. "-Leave now and I'll have the mercy not to murder you in front of this innocent boy."

You let go, slamming his head into the floor. He then scrambled up, jolting away from you. Too worried to watch him leave, you let yourself return to your natural state, rushing by Todoroki's side. Normally he'd be upset at you for helping him, but instead, he coughed and held his side.
Out of pitty- and love- you dragged his line body up, sitting him against the wall.
His eyes were tired, barely open, and his face covered in his own blood.
Your hands cupped his cheeks, wiping the blood away, letting his head rest off of his shoulders.

"Are you okay?" You ask, brushing the hair out of his face. With no response, his arms hook onto your waist and under your wings tightly, securing himself to you. His head laid on your shoulder.
You clenched, scared you were still to powerful to touch him all the way. Instead of letting it get to you, though, you grabbed his thighs, hoisting him up to straddle you.
"No worries, I've got you," Your voice was gentle, setting him down onto the cold counter of the lab, and letting him space away and breathe.
Shortly you ran over to the emergency kit and grabbed supplies, rushing back to his aid.

He watched your every move as you cleaned the blood, patching the skin, making him flinch when alcohol was applied to his fresh wounds. You couldn't hear him say thank you, but only see it in his eyes.
After the last bandaid, you smiled to him, grateful he was just alright. Alive.
"Are your powers working at all?" In an attempt to make conversation, you spoke.
He nodded a small 'no.'

You shook your head and pulled him into your chest, hugging him tightly, softly.
He would normally push people away, but without the strength to do so, he only laid his head down, sighing and relaxing into your arms.
"I'm glad you're okay." He said, nuzzling further. What he didn't know, though, was you were more grateful he was okay.

word count: 1134

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