Sucker. (Kenma x Reader)

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hi guys! I'm so excited for this one, kenma is my favorite! <3

Lying out your last snack dish, you sigh and look down to the set up you had carefully prepared.
On Fridays, you and your best friend had a full day of gaming. Nothing but it, really. Sometimes he would come over more, though, but Fridays were special. You all had done it for about 2 years now, nearly every Friday night.

He picked the games this time, you set up the playing area. Currently it was around 10am, making his arrival time less than an hour.
Used to this wouldn't have made a thought come to mind, but recently, things had changed. Kenma didn't sit at close to you, nor did he share drinks with you, or as many secrets. Still though, there was an aura of comfort that rested over your house when he came. He smelled like lavender and had skin as soft as a rose petal, which made you enjoy his presence double fold.

Soon there was a knock on your door. Hesitantly you opened it, seeing Kenma holding multiple games and smiling brightly to you. You giggled, showing a 'come in' gesture.
"Hi chubbbyy.." He trails, rubbing the palm of his hand all the way down your cats back. He meows and jumps down, leaving you alone with Kenma. The tension is low as he sits the games down on your couch.

"D-do you like the set up?" You asked, presenting the beautifully places food trays and bean bags to him. He nodded, opening the bag with games in it and popping the first disk in.
You both sat down, arms touching slightly, causing your face to heat up- he didn't move away. Things felt so awkward, but not, all in one.
After a few rounds you went to stretch, feeling the cold air against your stomach as your shirt rode up above your bellybutton. When you returned to sitting, Kenma had his hair covering his face.

Thinking nothing of it, you reached for a drink from the rack. "Do you want one?" You asked, offering a can to the boy with your hand out.
He softly took it from your grasp and opened it, sipping, then sitting it down. You both returned to silence. It was decent.
After 5 minutes of this you turn to him, his thoughts completely tangled into his phone.
"Kenma, may I braid your hair?" You ask, smiling to him. Red dusted his face as he peaked up to you in embarrassment.

"Y-yes, l/n." You giggled and sat on the couch behind him, wrapping your thighs around his shoulders. You could feel him flinch and heat up once more as your hands began to trail his soft locks.
Once done braiding, you giggled, pulling strands out to frame his face.
He watched as you smiled and sat back down.

"Y/n..Can I tell you something?" He asks, undoing the loose braid and pushing it into a small manbun.
You peak up to him, gripping the controller tightly into your palm, awaiting. "Anything."
He shifted a bit, twisting the string if his hoodie between the pads of his fingers.
"I have..I think I have..feelings for you! I'm sorry!" He spoke fanatically, covering his face afterwords. You sat in a little shock, your mouth agape and your eyes wide.

"You probably hate me..I can go..I'm so sorry!" He began to stand up as you watched him, but faltered when you grabbed his hand and stood up to face him. His eyes were glossy and his lips torn from nervous biting, but you didnt care.
He looked at you desperately, pleading for words. For acceptance.
You cupped his face into your hands, then, bringing your foreheads together. His breath was quick and he was tense, you only giggled.

"Kozume, I have them for you too. I flu-like you." You spilled out, gushing word vomit onto the situation. He squeezed your hands and his eyes, embarrassed it seemed.
There was no sound, no interruptions or distractions to subject change to. Just you all and this.

After a second of waiting, he came closer, taking your face and kissing your lips softly. Despite biting his lips so much, they were soft and inviting. He pulled on your sweater and you could feel his skin heat.
You kissed back, though, running your hands through his hair and smiling against his lips. This was what you wanted, this was why the silence felt good.
This is why he made the entire aura of a room shift for you.

Because you were in love, and him, in love too.

ooop cute sorry for mistakes this was unedited!
word count: 787

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