Empty Thought. (Terror In Resonance)

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heyyy so this is sort of an anime one shot? I wanted to replicate the motorcycle scene in my writing from terror in resonance (if you havent watched it, you should!)

Power. They're playing a game of power, I thought. My mind stippled and tripled along the edge of humanity and selfishness.
If what I wanted, or rather needed, would hurt everyone- was it worth it?
These thoughts flooded my mind, my eyes taking part in a different story. The Tokyo night was beautiful. Light danced along my skin, creating melted shadows along the cracked street pavement.

Two police offers were making conversation amongst themselves in front of me. In an attempt to be scarce, I pleaded myself out, walking around them.
My argument with Twelve, well really and argument with myself, had gone poorly. He had no reaction.
I didn't expect him to, though. My burden wasn't his, nor his mine. We had only known each other for a little while, so I could understand the thickness of the air between us as I screamed at him on the bridge.

My attempt to make myself sparse was futile, only seeming to catch the eyes of the two men even more. Hastily, I swallowed the breath I had been unaware was resting in my windpipe.
They travelled to me, closely.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing out at this time of night?" The officer on the left spoke. He was so close I could smell the alcohol on him, causing my nose to shrivel.

Wordlessly, I faced away from the men, scared if I turned there would be consequences.
A noise quickly popped behind them, the sound of an engine running. Facing my fear, I shot my eyes between the two pigs, only to see it.
A smile like the sun.

I ran to Twelve, sinking myself of the back of his motorcycle.
He was silent. Smelling of laundry detergent and some sort of cologne, I nuzzled my head into his back, safely.
How did he know I was here? The questioned floated into my head, tensing every corner of comfort I had for the time being.

I felt it relax, though, as we exited the tunnel of traffic and entered to the streets of downtown Tokyo.
My eyes wondered around, frolicking in the different shades of colors. My hair was messy, flowing back in all of the wind. The grip I had on Twelve loosened as my mind fell shamelessly over each corner of every building. Every frame, light, all of it.

The wind smelled of burnt building, from all the recent attacks I was sure. I didn't mind it, though. No. All I could feel were my hands gripped around his waste. My face dusted with red while my eyes peeked in wonder around every fixture.

I sat clearly, peering over to him.
"Are you going to destroy the whole world?" I asked, waiting for his answer. It may have sounded silly, but not to me.
That smile started. The one that could stop the Earth's rotation and out shine the Sun. The one I knew so well.

He began to laugh, his beautiful- playful laugh. He kept going, bursting into the cutest fit of laughter I had ever encountered.
This caught me off guard, but soon, I laughed along.

We laughed together in the dim streets of Tokyo at night. The fresh air hitting out faces, wisping his scent into my nose.

"It's been a really long time since I've laughed like this." I stated lovingly.
The comfortable silence began as we rode into the unknown, every breath faster, hotter than the last.
This was my break. From everyone and everything, but him. That was the last thing I needed.

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