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Hey guys! Super excited to be writing this. I hope you guys enjoy!


"Come on, please! Go to sleep," I begged my four-month-old daughter with tears in my eyes. She wouldn't stop crying. I just wanted to sleep! I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Tori, baby, please," I begged again. Someone was going to come knocking any second because I couldn't get her quiet.

I rocked her, checked her diaper, and tried to feed her a bottle downstairs. She wanted none of it.

"Torch?" A knock sounded on the door. I winced and pulled it open, ushering Pres inside.

"We'll talk about this more in the morning, but I think you guys would be more comfortable downstairs," Pres rubbed the sleep from his eye.

"I'm sorry, Pres. I'm sorry," I repeated. I had no clue what I was doing with Tori. What the hell was I supposed to do?

"I'm not kicking you out, I just think you need more room," Pres assured. "May I?" He pointed towards Tori so I handed her over to him and paced across the room.

"I'm going to talk to construction about building a house on the property...this isn't fair to you guys. I'm sorry," I apologized. He shushed Tory and put her in her crib, then turned to me.

"You got the funds? If not, we can just take percentages of runs. It'll come quick," Pres asked. I shook my head.

"I've got savings, but we'll figure it out tomorrow. Thanks, Pres," I shook his hand and watched him leave before flopping onto my bed and passing out almost instantly.

I woke up a few hours later to Tori beginning to fuss in her crib. The sun was barely peaking over the ground. I shushed her and brought her down to the kitchen to make a bottle.

"Oh! Gimme," Rooster put his coffee down and made grabby hands at my baby. With a tired sigh I handed her over, listening to him coo at her as I warmed up her bottle.

Rooster was always a morning person. I never understood it.

"How are we today, baby? Are we good? God, Torch, she's so cute. Who knew something cute could come out of you?" Rooster laughed. I rolled my eyes and handed him the bottle.

I might as well make him her babysitter, since he was always so chipper in the morning.

"Did she have an okay night? If you ever need me to take her—"

"I'll let you know," I murmured with a tight smile. I wasn't quite ready to let her go with anyone yet.

Rooster soon left the kitchen to get to work, so I took Tori from him and had her finish off her bottle before walking back upstairs. I hadn't gone on a run or gone to work in so long.

I was lucky my club was going easy on me. I was more thankful for them than ever.

"We'll figure this out," I whispered to a blinking Tori. "We've got this."


Hope you guys are looking forward to it!

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now