Chapter 11

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I hope you're enjoying! I'm getting to the point where I'm so excited to write the next book. I'll let you know who it is later (if I haven't accidentally said it already) but please let me know who you think it is!

I think, as of right now, there are nine books in this series! I'm so excited, and I hope you guys are too.

Something exciting happens in this chapter...


"It's good to have you back!"

I hugged Pres and Maya and helped Pres put his luggage in the car. It was the day before my scheduled date with Jasmine and they had just returned from Dallas.

"Good to be back," Pres gave me a genuine smile. I turned to look at Maya with a questioning look. She bit her lip and raised her left hand.

There was a ring.

"Oh my god! No way," I shouted and picked her up into a hug. Pres laughed behind me and I could practically feel Maya vibrating with happiness.

"How'd he do it?" I completely ignored Pres. Maya jumped into the passenger seat and Pres got in the back.

"He wanted to do it where we first met," she smiled, "so he took me to a beautiful park in Dallas and got down on one knee."

"Do your parents know?" I asked. I pulled the car out of the parking lot and towards the clubhouse. Everyone was going to crazy for them...I guess we were having a party tonight.

"He asked dad for his blessing. I don't need my dad's permission, I would just like him to be okay with who I'm marrying, you know?" Maya fiddled with her ring happily.

"Bear gave you his permission?" I asked Pres incredulously. He chuckled.

"We had a nice long talk," he sighed. When we got back to the clubhouse Pres shouted to get everyone's attention.

"Hey!" He shouted. A couple of men greeted him, but the rest of the room fell quiet.

Maya simply raised her left hand, with her ring facing the room, and everyone shouted in joy. She was pulled into hugs all over the room. I called Blade at my house and told him to get here as fast as he could.

I grabbed Tori as soon as she entered and accepted the quick hug she gave me.

"Guess what?" I asked both Blade and Tori. Blade cocked his eyebrow and Tori squeezed my neck tighter.

"Pres and Queenie are engaged." Watching Blade's face was priceless, but Tori was practically choking my while hanging on my back. She dropped down and rushed to jump into Maya's arms.

"That's amazing," Blade murmured. He, too, moved forward to give Maya a hug.

"We're partying tonight!" Pres' voice boomed across the room. Everyone cheered and moved t the bar and Tori tried to follow but I grabbed her.

"We're not partying tonight, Tori," I said softly. I convinced her to have our own little party and we trudged back to the house for the evening. After dinner, I dropped her off at Martha's with a sad heart and fell asleep quickly.

I was waiting outside Maya's single-story suburban house at 4:50. Early again. There was no car in the driveway, and I had checked about ten times to make sure this was the right house.

Was she not here?

At 5:12 Jasmine raced into the driveway and rushed over to where I was leaning on my bike across the street. Her dark hair was falling out of a scrappy ponytail she had at the back of her head and she was still in her scrubs.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now