Chapter 24

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"Quit bouncing your knee," Jasmine scolded lightly.

I put my hand over it to stop the uncontrollable nerves. She laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Everything is going to be fine!" Jasmine tried to assure. It did nothing to appease my stomach. Tori was seated in-between us at a restaurant in Salem, actually near her old house.

Though she was trying to calm me down, she was biting her lip nervously and glancing to the door in between sentences to Tori. She said she'd told her parents she was dating someone with a child, but they didn't know Jasmine didn't live at her old house anymore.

Technically, she hadn't sold it yet, but she lived with me and that wouldn't be changing.

Jasmine straightened her back when Jessica, her sister, entered the restaurant followed by her husband and two older adults. I swallowed and wiped my sweaty hands on my pants.

"I thought it was just mom and dad," Jasmine stated quietly to Jessica as she stood for a hug. Jessica winked at me over her shoulder.

"Thought you two could use some help." We pulled up an extra chair and Tori got quiet quickly at the amount of new people at the table.

"Owen," I introduced, pretending not to notice their lingering stare at my cut, "It's so nice to meet you." I shook both of their hands and sat back down in my seat.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm Anita, this is George," Jasmine's mom introduced themselves.

"Yes, I saw you briefly at the wedding," I answered with a smile.

"Hi Tori!" Jessica squealed from across the table. "I brought you something!"

"Oh, you didn't have to," I insisted.

"Nonsense, I heard it was her birthday a while ago. How old are you now?" Jessica reached towards the ground and remained looking at a smiling and slightly more relaxed Tori.

"Eight!" Tori answered. I rubbed the top of her head with a smile.

"Here you go," Jessica handed a large bag across the table. I raised my eyebrows at Jasmine and took it with a reluctant smile. We all watched in silence as Tori gasped and rushed to pull the present out of the bag.

"A Danny Doll?" Tori twisted the big box around to look at all four sides. She had been asking for one of those for a while, but it was a little out of my budget. I turned to Jasmine and narrowed my eyes, but only received a shrug in response.

"It's nice to meet you, Owen and Tori," Anita murmured. "Shall we order?" After we had ordered our food was when the questioning began.

"Your MC," George turned to face me. "located in Portland?"

"Yeah. A few miles or so outside of the city," I nodded. The drinks arrived at the table.

"You guys involved in any businesses?" He grunted. I couldn't tell which way this conversation was going.

"Construction and auto, mainly," I responded. He cleared his throat.

"Mommy," Tori whispered loudly to Jasmine next to her, "this milk is gross. Can I have a drink of your water?"

"Yeah," Jasmine whispered back and glanced back at her parents. She handed Tori her water.

"Don't you think that's a little soon?" Anita said with a bit of hesitation. Jessica's head snapped to face her.

"Mom," she warned. Anita shook her head.

"I don't mean to insult anyone, I just don't—how long has it been since you've started dating?" Anita sat forward.

"About four months," Jasmine snapped. "I moved in with him too. Enough with the questioning."

Both Anita and George's eyes widened a fraction before trying to act normal in front of Tori.

"Hey, Tori," Jessica started softly. "Do you want to go to the salad bar with me? We can try to make art with food."

"Sure!" Tori glanced at Jasmine for permission before scooting out of her chair and rushing to follow Jasmine's sister.

"Seriously, mom? Not around her," Jasmine scolded. I sat back in my chair and sighed as quietly as I could.

"I'm so sorry, Owen. I don't mean anything by it. They're just honest questions," Anita muttered. I nodded.

"That's alright," I answered. "I would ask those questions too."

"I can't keep up the act anymore," George leaned closer to me from across the table. "I've been obsessed with bikes since I was a kid. What kind do you have?"

"I've got a 2017 Harley Superflow," I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Damn," George chuckled and received a swat on the arm from his wife. He frowned and rubbed his right arm.

"I love him, and he's made me his old lady," Jasmine whispered vehemently. George's eyes widened while Anita's tightened in confusion.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"Wow," George whistled and sat back in her chair. "You guys are really serious."

"You know about that stuff?" Jasmine asked in surprise. Tristan, sitting at the end of the table next to me, sipped his drink quietly and watched the conversation.

"I've always wanted to prospect," George crossed his arm.

"You still can," I shot into conversation. His eyebrows raised.

"Someone explain to me what the hell is going on before I go crazy," Anita raised her voice slightly and blushed when people turned to look at us.

"Let's take a walk," George stood and helped her up. "If the food gets back, call us." Jasmine nodded and watched them walk out.

"This day has been so weird," Jasmine put her head in her hands and whispered. I scooted forward and grabbed her hand to comfort her.

"My head feels like it's spinning from that conversation," I chuckled. "But at least it's going well...right?"

"Daddy! Look what we made in Aunt Jessica's salad," Tori shouted as she neared the table. She showed me, then Jasmine the smiley face made out of dressing on top of a caesar salad.

"I'm sorry. She asked, and I told her yes. I hope that's okay," Jessica whispered to me while she was distracted. I nodded my head.

"That's fine," I responded.

Jasmine pulled out her phone to call her parents when the steaming food arrived into the table. They arrived back a few minutes later and both sat down with a smile.

Anita wouldn't meet my eyes but George sent me a wink and I relaxed slightly.

This would work out.


So excited to publish the end of this book!

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